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Napa and the Pacific Coast

Wednesday, April 11th, 2007

After the great times in Vegas and the scenic beauty of Yosemite, Dad and I headed west to Santa Rosa to visit my paternal grandmother.  We spent a beautiful day in Napa Valley tasting great wines and enjoying our time together.  Since the three of us have been living in different parts of the world for the last twelve years it is rare that we get to convene as a family anymore.   [read on]

Most Beautiful Place on the Planet?

Monday, April 9th, 2007

When I grew up in Los Angeles, my father would take me for annual camping trips to the awe-inspiring Yosemite National Park.  As one of my last few stops in the US, it was only appropriate to stop back and pay homage to our old tradition.  This time was by far the most impressive.  Melting winter snow gave birth to roaring rivers and raging waterfalls unlike any we’ve witnessed hear before.   [read on]

Good luck on the horizon

Friday, April 6th, 2007

Las Vegas, Nevada… not exactly unfamiliar territory.  This is the fifth time I’ve passed through this city.  As always the sun was there welcome my arrival.  I met my father at the airport, and thus commenced our 2 week road trip around the US South West, the corner of the world where I grew up and spent most of my life.    [read on]

And so it begins…

Wednesday, April 4th, 2007

Friday, March 23rd, 2007 I became a houseless man.  Home is now the vast world that we occupy. No daily routine except to eat, sleep, and succumb to whim.   [read on]

Washington D.C.

Saturday, February 3rd, 2007

Life keeps changing. Tangible plans are present one day, and the next they are shaken up by unpredictable variables. I’ve become very used to this unstable set of circumstances, and although it’s cliché to say it is apparent that as one door closes another opens.

Everything fell apart with the cruise line, but it has hardly fazed me. There are a few bids on my house right now, and it looks like I may be able to start my RTW trip sooner than imagined. However, this time around I’m not making any plans until the final paperwork is in hand. In the interim, I’ve felt it’s best to spend as much time exploring my own country as possible. Last week I took a short trip down to Washington DC to work on some music with my friend Pravin. [read on]

11.20 – Final Thoughts during Final Descent

Monday, November 20th, 2006

19:40 – Somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean – The airline just announced our final descent into NYC. Although I still have a few more hours of transport before I’m home I already feel the trip ending. This has been a truly amazing experience; one intense week of learning and living life to the fullest. I’ve been inspired to open my eyes and reach a new understanding of my place in the world.    [read on]

11.17 – Valencia es un bonita ciudad!

Friday, November 17th, 2006

Melissa arrived from Mallorca with another traveler she met on the ferry; Yoann, a very cool 20 year old hitchhiker from Bretagne, France. He spoke very little English and it was difficult to communicate through words, but the three of us left the hostel after midnight in search of nightlife.   [read on]

11.17 – Al Valencia: Día del autobús!

Friday, November 17th, 2006

3:28p – Auto-Res Bus Terminal – After spending a wonderful morning together, Ju and I had separate paths to take. She was headed to Granada, and I to Valencia! There I would meet with Melissa, a great friend of mine from home. She’s been traveling Europe for the last two months and I hope every day of her trip has been as amazing as the three I’ve had so far. I’m definitely looking forward to catching up with her and living our own unique style of adventure in Spain!

Whoa! Just went to the bathroom and saw my first squat toilet. I wasn’t expecting one so early in my trip. If it wasn’t bizarre enough being the choice of toilet in a major European city’s transportation center, the black-light definitely pushed it into the realm of surreal!

For more pictures from my time in Madrid, click here.

9:22p – Valencia – The bus to Valencia had a few pleasant vistas, but was relatively uneventful. The city bus, on the other hand, was a completely different animal! The bus driver was most friendly, and he knew how to handle this massive tonnage of metal filled with human souls… but it scared the living crap out of me when he would floor it just to drive one city block to the next stop. Between the extreme acceleration and jackknife turns, I expected my next method of transport for the day would be an ambulance!

So, here I am in the Purple Nest hostel… still overflowing with adrenaline. I’ve settled into my room and have spent the last couple hours waiting for Melissa’s arrival by catching up on this journal. It’s almost midnight on Friday and the Hostel’s bar seems to be happening. I don’t hear any English though… here goes nothing.

11.15 – Madrid Rock Club

Thursday, November 16th, 2006

I think I’m finding myself in bars a bit too much; the one here in Cat’s Hostel has been a great place to meet fellow travelers. Although they are all from different places around the world, everybody speaks some form of English as the primary method of communication. I was hanging out with a cool group of people at the hostel who I met last night, when 2 girls from San Diego said they were heading to a friend’s house party here in Madrid. We all became intrigued, and left immediately.   

[read on]

11.14 – Wrong Place, Wrong Time?!?!

Tuesday, November 14th, 2006

WOW! This is really unbelievable… today has by far been one of the best days of my life! So many adventures, cool people, and random surprises have come across my path… all within the last 12 hours of landing. It is almost too hard to process all of the stimuli.

I decided to hang around the set of the “Bourne Ultimatum”. Within the first few minutes I met the entire sound crew, and spent a few hours speaking with them. Kirk, the lead engineer, has been doing sound in movies for 40+ years!  The other two crew members, Ian and Benny were a pleasure to converse with.  Ironically, when I asked them all on separate occasions how they got started, the answer was the same: “I was in the wrong place, at the wrong time!” . Maybe this was my “Wrong Time”. [read on]