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11.14 – Viva Madrid!

Tuesday, November 14th, 2006

Wow! This city is truly amazing! It is nothing like I expected. Aside from the expected language differences, and obvious European layout, it feels very familiar and welcoming. People are dressed similar to those in the US, and it appears that they all fit into the same ‘cliques’. 

It seems that there is construction and scaffolding on almost every building. However, it is also one of the most beautiful cities that I’ve seen. The air here is crisp and the sky is clear. There is an abundance of green foliage and very few signs of fall.

Contrary to the grid like layout of most American cities I’ve been to, the streets here wind around whimsically and are randomly grading up and down. There is a life here, built into the city over thousands of years. You can see it. You can feel it!

[read on]

11.13 – Planes, Trains, and Alcohol

Tuesday, November 14th, 2006

4pm – Hamilton, NJ – It has begun. A few hours ago I left work and started my journey. I sit now on a train bound for New York. My pack is loaded with only the essentials and my heart is beating in anticipation. Although I will not be continuing around the world after Spain, this is still my first taste of the backpacking life.

It is still hard to believe it is actually happening. It is a greater feeling than any childlike euphoria I’ve ever experienced. My mind is stirring, and my insides are tingling. Today feels like the first day of my life. [read on]

Conquering Fear

Monday, September 25th, 2006

One of my biggest fears about traveling the world for an extended period of time was that I would have to do it on my own. It’s wasn’t solitude or separation from my friends that made me nervous. I was more concerned about being lost in a foreign city with no idea of where to go or what to do.

This past weekend I came to realize how absurd that was. I was called for a job in Baltimore, MD (about 4 hours away from my home). I was set up with a nice hotel room, and had a great crew to work and socialize with. However, I decided to avoid those comforts brave the city on my own. [read on]