11.13 – Planes, Trains, and Alcohol
4pm – Hamilton, NJ – It has begun. A few hours ago I left work and started my journey. I sit now on a train bound for New York. My pack is loaded with only the essentials and my heart is beating in anticipation. Although I will not be continuing around the world after Spain, this is still my first taste of the backpacking life.
It is still hard to believe it is actually happening. It is a greater feeling than any childlike euphoria I’ve ever experienced. My mind is stirring, and my insides are tingling. Today feels like the first day of my life.
7pm – New York City – I ran into a good old friend here at the airport, and we decided to go to Madrid together. He was just chillin’ there in the duty free shop with a couple of my other old amigos. However, only Mr. Morgan decided to join me, you may know him as the captain.
Ah… so now I’m sitting here at the airport bar with a large beer. I do believe this is starting to be somewhat of an alcoholic adventure. It’s definitely not what my doctor would advise, but my liver may take a bit of a beating for the next few days.
10am – Madrid – The plane has landed. I can’t believe I’m actually here. So far I’ve been in transit for about 13 hours now, and who knows how much longer I’ll be on the Madrid subway to the hostel. My low price flight, Air Plus Comet, was a unique experience. I learned how to squeeze my 6`4″ body into a micro-fetal position so I could sleep on two tiny airplane seats, and when a couple of babies throughout the plane started a chorus of crying, I was glad to have my earplugs at hand. Thanx for the advice internet!
So here I am… in Madrid. Surprisingly well rested, and luckily with no neck pain from my pillow…. I mean armrest. It looks like a perfect day outside this plane window. Hopefully it will be as beautiful as Air Plus` stunning flight attendants. Seriously, these girls belong walking down fashion runways, not airplane aisles. It’s now time to see the city…
Tags: - Transport & Travel, Alcohol, Madrid, Plane, Spain, USA
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