Leaving Canada?
October 31st, 2005Hello All,
Well it all seems to have been going well so far. Thank you very much indeed to Mark, Kim, Joe, Simon and Godson Oliver for a fab time in Kelowna and Vancouver. Also thanks to the neighbours and the three pairs of girls – Liz & Bronwen, Katerina & Laura, Maisie & Poppy. Poppy was the naughtiest, but she’ll turn out fine in the end.
Vancouver started with the usual confusion at check-in – followed by negotiations to avoid all four of us having to share a bed. There were 4 of us because Simon had to stay at home to organise a major house party, er attend rehearsals for Julius Caesar. Hope the clear up after ‘rehearsals’ went well, Simon.
Friday night saw Mark and his eldest son bond over a few pints while I made sure they didn’t drink too much. Saturday morning was gorgeous weatherwise, although it was disturbing to watch United play as badly as that. Where was that Ebanks bloke?
The afternoon saw Mark make promises and then break them (‘Stop!’) and Joe joined us with his girlfriend Clare. (Joe, just blame me, all right?) Funniest point of the day was when Mark and Kim thought it would be a good idea to visit Joe’s frat house on a Saturday night. At 9pm. On Halloween weekend. Funny, we never actually got in (or even very near).
Today, Mark, Kim and Olly finally got to offload me at the bus station. Oh Kim, you and your crying – very touching. You know I was filling up! You’re all gorgeous and I’ll see you in about 18 months unless you have to rescue me from South America.
Trip to Victoria was just fine. I never even knew it was here until a few days ago. Turns out that Conde Nast considers it one of the 10 best places in the world. And it is lovely, although the food, as usual, flattered to deceive. Staying, as I write, in the well-posh Grand Pacific. First room was rubbish despite me paying for a harbour view. Second room great – you’d be proud of me Vic.
This is probably the last expensive place I’ll really stay in for a bit – off to Seattle tomorrow, if I can get into the GS. Presume life is great for all readers and contributers out there. I must say that the comments section on this blog is miles ahead of many others. If you check some of the other tales on this site, they’re well written and worthy, but no-one seems to write to them. Perhaps I’m doing it wrong, but I much prefer it this way.
Finally, welcome to Jonjo Peter Lester Redrum Frankie Fagan-Hall, the new kid on the blog. If we had a picture, it would be published. Well done Ali – Mike tells us he was awesome.
I see Blunkett is having to resign again. Great. At least Celtic have gone top as I write.
Love to all…
Some picture or other here soon if I can finally extract it off the phone…
Today’s song will have to be Victoria by The Kinks or The Fall – you decide…