BootsnAll Travel Network

Got to Niagara Today

October 13th, 2005

First proper tourist bit today. For those that haven’t visited, the Falls are majestic etc. However, in order to be a bit controversial here are…

10 Reasons Why Iguazu is better than Niagara

1. Iguazu is split between three countries against Niagara’s mere two
2. Iguazu’s main fall is called the Devil’s Throat – Niagara’s is called the Horseshoe
3. You can’t drive to the Devil’s Throat.
4. There are at least 15 multistorey buildings around Niagara. There are none around Iguazu
5. Niagara’s main street is like Blackpool – although this is not necessarily a a bad thing
6. When approaching Iguazu you hear it well before you glimpse it.
7. A million swifts live in an around Iguazu. Not sure what lives around Niagara, few geese maybe…
8. The ‘Maid of the Mist’ (bit Lord o the Rings) takes you close to the Falls in blue pacamacs. In Iguazu you jet into the falls wearing industrial oilskins while being videoed on the Death Valley Express.
9. The barmaid in the bar overlooking Niagara wouldn’t let me take my pint onto the patio to watch the light show. Although to be fair, there is no bar (and therefore no patio or pints) overlooking the falls at Iguazu. Or no light show (if you discount the full moon, which you shouldn’t).
10. The Iguazu Falls has about 2000 different falls – a different size for everyone. Niagara has the two – a sort of one (humungous) size fits all approach.

Doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go there. Really good tour guide (Moose Tours) included a wine tasting. Slightly unexpected, but welcome. The ice wine was great, but I wouldn’t want to walk too far for their Chardonnay….

Hopefully some proof of my attendance at the Falls will appear here soon


Missed the Ireland game

October 12th, 2005

Don’t care that it was a goalless draw. Do care that we’re not off to Germany. Very bothered that the miserable git on the door in the only bar in Toronto showing the game wouldn’t let me in. ‘Too full’ in his opinion, not mine.

Still, means I get to try out wi-fi internet for the first time and means I don’t have to visit internet cafes until I get my notebook robbed!

A note on the phone – yes I do have my mobile with me. Will have extra roaming facilities for two months from 10th Oct to 10th Dec. After which it may have nothing at all (anyone want the chip for a few months?). Please only call or text if it’s important – not for a laugh. Use my email address (or this site) for taking the piss etc…


58 hours since a cigarette…

And here’s Alessandro chuffed to nuts with his new school uniform.

Anyone know how to make these inserts smaller?

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Finally in Canada – WITH NO CIGGIES

October 11th, 2005

Hello avid readers – god this must be dull if your not me. I did write a rant against Zoom – but I’ve left it at the hotel. Just as well really as it’s no doubt libellous. As would any comment on the hotel room which is one square yard by my reckoning with a postage stamp window onto the air-con system. Still moving tomorrow.

Toronto seems nice enough, by the way, just the usual North American food (and added tax) thing going on. Paul McCartney was just starting his show as I arrived. I often fill in on backing vocals for him since Linda’s demise, so was happy to do so again. Frankly I think I saved the show…

However, real news for those who are interested – Hello Pauline Murphy – is I now haven’t smoked for 36 hours. Not promising anything at this stage, but it’s a start. Off to spend the money I’m saving on beer – that is how it works, isn’t it?

Mark – thanks for comments. Tickets booked – get to Jasper Monday – See you next Thursday I Think…

Anyone know of a good base in Jasper for three nights?


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Stockport yet again…

October 9th, 2005

As ever, Col & Derm helped with the heaps. Seems like we’ve got things down to almost manageable. Wine and chips much appreciated. As is the use of this PC for this log. Sorry for keeping you up


Welcome to Patrick

October 9th, 2005

Brand new into the world on the day of the party – eaxactly as predicted. Isis has promised to looked after you. She’ll be a great sister. Your picture will appear here soon. you’re clearly cool.

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Leaving Chester – Again

October 9th, 2005

Thanks absolutely to everyone who came and contributed to a great night in Chester on 7th. Two children’s birthday parties, with good singing and then a joint leaving do and 25th anniversary for me and Vic. Have got a good picture to add of us both at some point Vic – You won the quiz.

Cheers also to John Kenyon and St Werburghs Parish Centre. Ace venue and exactly what we needed.

Mike – as is to be expected, great unexpected speech – and you even coped with the unusual heckles about Lech Walesa. Great to see most of Vic’s family there. Hurrah to everyone that made it, you will all get a mention as time goes on – if you don’t get a mention post a comment and make your voice heard.

Of course, the most important matter was celebrating the new arrival. Hello Patrick Barlow – you get your own entry next. Well done Our Clare and Danny. He’s clearly fabulous.

Next night very relaxed in the Ship Victory – any visitors to Chester should check out a great traditional pub with music on a Saturday.

Goodbye to Chester on Sunday – cheers Mum and Dad for everything. And Ang and Sue and Karl and Paul… Extra thanks to Uncle Brian for the unexpected ‘help’. I’m really chuffed. Here’s to you and Aunty Judy.

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2 Days in Prague

October 9th, 2005

In Prague from 1-3 October – thanks to the attendees, Asif, Numan, Ang, Paul and the ever-present Victoria. All good fun especially the trip around the railway station. Note to all – only stay in the Hotel Terminus if you like views of dual carriageways. And a staff member nicked the money I’d foolishly left in the bedside cabinet… First loss of many?

Anyone visiting Prague should really make time (in nice weather) to spend a pleasant afternoon in U Pinkasu’s beer garden. From Wenceslas Square walk through Bata shoe store to rear entrance, left out of the door and it’s on your left. The staff appear to be very kind to drunks. Also the restaurant next to the British Council is good fun and cheap for filling food and fine ale.

Weird picture to be posted later.

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Is this the end?

September 30th, 2005

Just about finished packing up the flat. Naturally started late as last night’s managers’ party was as boozy as expected. Nice to see you Paul and Ann. Looks as though at least one major decision was made. Hilary, you can always find £400,000. Just keep looking…

Fittingly The End is playing on the stereo. Hopefully this trip isn’t going to be that apocalyptic, but the first tune has made it into the journey. I feel a major mix tape coming on…


Another day nearer

September 29th, 2005

Neighbourly pint was just right – Thanks Dave, Christine and Joe. Hope head OK this morning Dave. Thanks to Sukhjinder and Margot for joining us – I’m sure work will be just dandy in my absence.

A few more jobs done today so cheers to Rob, Verona (and the boys) and Ang/Marion. Looking forward to the party, Alexander?

Tonight is a final meal with managers from work – good luck to the other three (Dave, John, Jake) who are leaving soon. Remember, I will need a job at some time in the future if I eventually make it back.

Soon be final goodbye to London and a little trip to Prague before the big one. Looking forward to a few pilseners already… (Is a theme developing here?)


Here goes…

September 28th, 2005

Right – here goes.

I’ve left work and don’t need to be back till after Easter next year. The party on Friday went well, finishing with a taxi-run around the East End looking for after hours drinks. Found in Hoxton after being denied in Dalston. Cheers those who stayed the distance. You’ll all get a mention as this goes on. For now, good luck Aida, on way to Africa and Maisie, on way to Australia. ART are truly going to be well spread.

Long slow Saturday trying to sort out travel arrangements before cousin Mike and with child Ali invite me out for a ‘quick pint’ before they go out for dinner. Got home at 4am. Cheers Mike.

Sunday still trying to sort out how to get back to England next April. Too much detail? I don’t even have insurance yet.

OK it’s Wednesday now. Car sorted to take me up North. Leaving party in Chester on way to being the social event of the year. Nothing to do with the fact that I’m sharing it with a Silver Anniversary of my frienship with that gorgeous Vicky. Or that Neice and Nephew Isis and Rhys have hijacked the bloody thing for a joint birthday party. Pesky kids. Always nicking the limelight.

Now off for a last pint with my neighbours…

2 of ART on way
