1700 Hours (9th November)
November 9th, 2005Honestly, it’s non-stop on this bloody ship. No sooner have I had breakfast then it’s time for a quick snooze and before you know it, it’s lunchtime.
Today I was given two peppered, battered fish of a kind I’ve certainly never encountered previously. They were tropical or endangered or both – I gave one back on account of the mountain of rice and beans that accompanied the meal – along with the mushroom pasta and green salad, obviously. Yoghurt for pudding. So hardly anything to eat there, then. The other daily occurrence of losing an hour took place at 1300 again. I’m paying back for that succession of 25-hour days as I went across Canada on the train.
I did ask the captain why we change the clocks in the middle of the day, rather that at night, imagining there to be some ancient ritual or custom to the seagoing fraternity. He said it was because he was the captain and he could. Fair enough.
Essentially, I’m now spending my days eating, sleeping, reading, writing and listening to music. I was made for a life of such pursuits. This is now clear. The big question now is how can I get to a stage where that is, in fact, my life. Don’t worry, LBTH, I don’t think I’ll be achieving it anytime soon. Actually LBTH may not be worrying. My replacement may be doing much better than I ever did. If that’s the case, someone better let me know.
The weather, by the way, is really hotting up. The fog and limited visibility have been replaced by blue cloud-speckled skies, heading towards proper clear blue as it’s improving by the hour.
Today’s tune – The Ship Song by Nick Cave and his crazy mates. That should upset the many amongst you hate inappropriate use of songs brought on by the title only.