Mainly naked in strangers’ shops
There may not be a picture to go with this one.
In my effort to do new things all the time, the Weltons are proving willing accomplices. Today I had an aromatherapy massage in a bloke’s office that entailed taking my clothes off. It was a bit hippyish, and the bloke didn’t half look like Stevie Mal, but it was fine. After a visit to Sunshine Farm (kept my clothes on) it was off to the infrared sauna where I took my clothes off again. Kim had organised both of the clothes off events. Mark & Kim do a weekly visit to the infrared sauna where they are videoed live for an internet audience. It should be interesting to see what my figures are like.
It was curling tonight and I was relieved to discover it wasn’t naked curling. However, it was embarrassing curling as I ended up on my bum. It’s not as easy as those screaming Scottish harridans make it look. Simon and Olly were also upended, but we were all brave little soldiers. The adults beat the kids, by the way. Hopefully there’ll be an action photo here soon – but not a sauna screenshot.
I see Ebanks-Blake scored…
Also Sue unhappy about the fact that one certain nephew is yet to feature – will sort out soon.
– Will this do, Sue?
Tags: Travel
October 27th, 2005 at 4:29 am
Hi Martin,
Got your email to Luke. Shameful colleagues – no one returning your emails. I was going to email you with my news of Donny concert. So here goes.. He ‘crowd surfed’ and stood on seats right in front of me. Got to touch his face and thigh (yeah baby!!!!!!). Great time had by all, especially me. I can now die a happy woman……
My cousin and I are off to see my best pal and her hubby in Abu Dhabi next week. Should be fun. You and Aida are not the only Alan Whicker’s in ART.
Have a great trip.
Luv Kim (and Dad)
October 27th, 2005 at 4:57 am
Your life is too fabulous for words. Dad not going to Abu Dhabi?
October 27th, 2005 at 6:13 am
Bloody hell Kim – you touched Donny!!!!!
Mr Parry – you have not been forgotten, while you’re jet setting the world and taking your clothes off at the drop of hat, some of us have to do the work!!
It’s birthday week this week – which involves lots of drinking, hangovers and nurofen!! Got very drunk last night on beligian beers and whiskey chasers!! Preparing for my week of whiskey distillers on the Isle of Islay next week – hurrah!!
The ropey alpaca is still up to her normal tricks, work’s same ol same ol’!
So curling that’s the one with the broomy thingy?!
Anyway must dash, have some projecty bullshit that I must get on with!!
October 27th, 2005 at 10:43 am
On the ship with excitement we have followed your progress. We are happy that you enjoy now life without clothes. On the ship we have many naked times and when you journey with us it would please you to join in I think.
October 27th, 2005 at 8:14 pm
At last, Cap’n B! I’ve been waiting for you to drop in. Do you mean naturist quoits, or is the casino in the sauna?
October 28th, 2005 at 1:49 am
The cute kid obviously learned his guitar playing from his old man. Difficult to get a tune out of it that way Joe, ask your dad how the Kaiser Chiefs did it or how dirty Whittle got a tune out Angel Alan’s top lip.
October 28th, 2005 at 5:10 am
Keep your eye on this boy. This picture will be worth a fortune one day. It has to be, he’s our pension plan…
October 28th, 2005 at 2:11 pm
He’s ours, too.
October 29th, 2005 at 8:39 am
Whats new!! you were always taking your clothes off at the drop of a hat when you were little and then not so little. So no surprises there. Susan sounds like Mr,Fagin!! Joseph is her Pension. Good luck on the cargo ship
October 31st, 2005 at 2:04 am
Lots of familial relations on this one – well done everyone. Thanks for the focus on the cargo ship – the day draws ever near…