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September 11, 2004

Sydney revisited

One of the girls I met when I started at the call centre Krystyna HATES Sydney with a passion. I remember I felt like that not that long ago - couldn't wait to leave, but since returning, I've discovered I actually really like it... It felt like home when I got back from the Snowy's a few months ago.

I decided it was time to show her the Sydney I love - we also needed to get out. She has quit the call centre (there were 13 of us to begin with - now only 3 left, why I can't imagine - wouldn't it be your dream come true to sell insurance?) and is now working as a nanny, so on her day off we went to town...

We started off with Paddys market - a bit of an institution that I had somehow managed to completely miss out of my life, much to the horror of other backpackers, so we decided to take matters into our own hands and Krys was gonna show me what I've been missing out on...

After about 4 hours - shopped out and foot sore, we went to the harbour for a night tour of sydney in a water taxi... At the time, I had thought the pics were ok, but it now seems they are a bit pants when big - oh well - don't launch them if you high expectations: opera house, lunar park - and here's a pic of Krystyna.

It's not that easy to take pics on a boat you know :oP

By the end of the day, we both felt like we'd had a break from the working week, and just between me and you, I think it's working... Krys seems to like Sydney a wee bit more now...

Posted by Mary on September 11, 2004 06:59 AM
Category: Australia, New South Wales, peeps of fluffieness...
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