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January 03, 2005

the joys of water

Ever felt like doing something different to cool off? This is the first time I've been sweltering for New Years, so it had to be a bit special...

Whitewater rafting at Penrith Whitewater (home to the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games Slalom Canoe competition) was a total blast, and the most fun I'd had all year ;oP
It's one of those things I've always fancied having a go at and just never gotten around to doing. Ray booked it the night before, and the three of us got there with minutes to spare and just about managed to make it to the briefing (basically - try not to fall in, if you do, chill out and enjoy the ride) before getting into "flipper" - our raft for the morning.
Obviously I didn't take any pictures of us rafting, but this was the group after us to give you an idea of what we got up to pic 1, pic 2, pic 3. The centre has rapids and even though it's quite a small course - there was room for plenty of BIG waves and heaps of water. By the time we got past the very first corner on round one we were all soaked through and laughing hysterically.
Oh, before you ask, no - I didn't fall in - not even once! I did have a few random pointless brusies at the end of it though.
We had an amazing time and thoroughly loved every second of it. I highly recommend it to anyone who fancies giving it a shot. I can't wait to have another go at it some time :o)

Just to prove we still had loads of energy left, we dried off by a lake with yet another picnic and then headed off to the Blue Mountains.
There are no words to describe how pretty it is - so check it out for yourselves:
Pic 1, Pic 2, Pic 3, Pic 4.
PS: picture 2 is yet another example of Aussie signs that I love to bits!

Posted by Mary on January 3, 2005 07:49 AM
Category: Australia, New South Wales
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