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August 17, 2004

"My names Mary, calling on behalf of..."

Well, after 3 months of travelling around 4 states and 1 territory and doing naff all in the way of work, it was eventually time to buckle down to the business of, well, business really.

*Sigh* had to happen sometime right? All of you reading this now who think I'm living the life will now be able to laugh - nay - snicker at the thought that I am now working in insurance. Yep, that's right... You know when you get home after a long day at work and the phone rings, and some irritatingly happy person on the end of the person is selling insurance, and you just want to shove the phone down their throat? Well think twice about it for the next 3 months, for that person is now me!

I got back to Sydney on Friday night, got a job on Monday and began training on the Tuesday... Now after 3 days I'm on the phone and am calling about 80 people on average every hour and a half... most of them hang up, some are rude, some are lovely, and the occasional one takes pity on me and buys what I'm selling... hey ho - gotta love 'em for it!

I am now being paid to chat on the phone - a dream job you'd think, but am now learning that not all Aussies are nice to you :oD only kidding - I'm sure they'd be lovely if they met me...

Some of them are fab by the way - I now have a few addresses in Western Australia and Tassie for when I get out there - what can I say? I like to get to know these people, and sometimes have the best natters with people... just don't tell my boss ok?

By the way, if you DO get the call - buy it pleeeeeasee.... I'm not a natural born sales person, so need all the help I can get!

Thanks for you time, and on behalf of ******, have a great day


Posted by Mary on August 17, 2004 06:25 AM
Category: Australia, New South Wales, being sensible
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