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August 01, 2004

Bribie Island

The long drive from one end of Bribie Island to the other had to be one of the creepiest ever!

With the daylight fading fast we drove for about 20 minutes through forests. I'm not kidding. Not forest like we get at home - this was pure, thick Xmas trees as far as the eye could see (and you could see for miles!) Not a break in the rows for any daylight to get through. It was pretty freaky and just as we figured we'd never make it to town we finally turned a corner and wound up in the middle of another funky little place.
Consulting Sue's Rough Guide, we decided to try our luck with a caravan park instead of a pub this time. We landed on our feet again, and were soon settled in and heading off to the surf club for something to eat.
It was a full moon that night and we went for a moonlight walk down the beach after dinner. I didn't have my camera, but you'll just have to trust me when I tell you it was stunning!
The next morning, it was up early for a wander to the beach before heading off for something I have been looking forward to since I arrived in Australia :oD

Posted by Mary on August 1, 2004 09:31 AM
Category: Australia, Queensland, Road trips
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