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Tuesday, October 31st, 2006

Ok, so I actually had to walk away for some woosaaa time today. (Retracted Comments… I guess I can keep my venting to private emails.) Tonight is Halloween and I´m curious as to what goes on here… guess I´ll find out!

For those of you who got a chance to read the venting, I unwound by treating myself to a massage and then writing a postcard in a park near the big bullfighting areana… siiigghhh… Much better now.
Toro.JPGThis is the bullfighting arena
Thanks for all the birthday wishes… maybe I´ll go out tonight and have some cake to add on to the fat belly I have been adding to. Woooosssaaaa….

Happy Halloween!

Happy Birthday to MEEEEEE!!!

Monday, October 30th, 2006

I´m officially getting closer and closer to being “over the hill”… but that´s ok.. I´m seeing the world and loving it! I do, however, do feel weird not being home for my birthday so my family can shower me with gifts and food 🙂 .

Anyway, John and I have broken off from the group of people we´ve met to continue our journey through Spain… however, we´ve stumbled upon another 6 hour wait at a train station so I thought I´d check my email to see if mom decided to put a big cheque in my bank account for my birthday…. still waiting…

Hope all is well with everyone back at home (wherever home may be) and thanks for everyone who has sent a birthday wish!

Futbol Club Barcelooona! Olé-lé, Ola-la, Ser del Barça, es lo millor que hi ha

Sunday, October 29th, 2006
So, it's been a day or 2 since my last post... the ferry ride over was long but pretty fun. We ran into a couple of Aussies which we were "racing" on the day of my "Amazing Race" post... small ... [Continue reading this entry]

Most Expensive Post Ever

Friday, October 27th, 2006
Well, we are on the ferry now to Barcelona... and yeah, I had to pay for internet to see if we had a free place to crash in Barcelona... but we don't. So I paid 5€ for 15 mintues of ... [Continue reading this entry]

Hmmm… What did we do today?

Wednesday, October 25th, 2006
Oh, that's right... we went and saw the Pope! Pope.JPG
It's weird to think about it that way... like... it's just part of the day or something. So last night turned out pretty awesome... ... [Continue reading this entry]

Amazing Race

Tuesday, October 24th, 2006
It felt like we were on the Amazing Race yesterday. We ran into a couple Koreans that we have been running into since we left Istanbul. Anyway, the Koreans, and 3 other couples all showed up at the Athens train ... [Continue reading this entry]

On Top of Athens

Sunday, October 22nd, 2006
Today we went up to the mountain/hill that the Parthenon sits on. The view from up there was spectacular! At one side, you could see the chrystal blue waters where all the Greek ... [Continue reading this entry]

It’s October 22… and I just got a sunburn!

Sunday, October 22nd, 2006
I love it... don't get me wrong, I don't mind the winter at home but there's nothing like spending a day in shorts, t-shirt, and flip flops walking all around Athens and realizing ... [Continue reading this entry]

Side Thoughts…by Evelyn Cheng

Sunday, October 22nd, 2006
hehe, I'm so corny, I know... Anyway, I just wanted to jot down some side thoughts... the 36 hour trip here gave me a lot of time to Ponder about stuff and such. In Istanbul, we met a lot of people... more ... [Continue reading this entry]

36 Hours Later…

Saturday, October 21st, 2006
So we took the train from Istanbul to Athens... which normally wouldn't take 36 hours but of course, we had another adventure. As we got off the train in Pythion (Border between Greece and Turkey), we had to change trains. ... [Continue reading this entry]