Picture or No Picture?
Saturday, September 30th, 2006Well, we’ve spent a couple days in Berlin now but we don’t really have any pictures to show for it… mostly because it just doesn’t feel right to be taking a picture at places that are reminders of the dark past. We took a couple pictures of pieces of the wall that can still be found around the city but other than that, there wasn’t much that seemed appropriate to photograph.
Anyway, today, we went to the Jewish Museum. There was a lot of history there and it brought back old memories of my High School Social teacher, Mr. McNally (for those of you who were in my class, you have to remember about the “brown canvas pants”). There was a lot to see and definitely a lot to learn… in a way it was almost shocking learning about the history.
This is the Holocaust Tower. It commemorates the many millions of Holocaust victims.
The next stop was Checkpoint Charlie which was gateway between East and West Berlin. The museum showed many ways that people tried to get to the other side including building small aircrafts and digging tunnels. It was weird to imagine that it wasn’t that long ago that all this happened (I think I would have been in about grade 2). Some of the stories were so tragic and it just makes me appreciate home a lot more.
Tonight, John and I kind of got food coma so we’re back at the hostel again. I think John went to play ping pong with some Aussies or something… speaking of Aussies, one of the pretty girls in the room checked out, only to be replaces with a nice hot Aussie guy 🙂 . I guess everything always equals out. Anyway, tomorrow we are going to either walk through the giant park or go see a concentration camp (we haven’t decided yet). And then we are taking the night train to Munich! Cheers!