Lost In Amsterdam in the Middle Of The Night
Well, on our voyage to find the red light district last night, we wandered all the way to who knows where and ended up getting lost. I think we walked like 10kms alone last night. Anyway, all the walking allowed us to get a great nights sleep and then we were off to Berlin today. (BTW – getting used to the keyboards in all these countries is a b!otch)
Now we have checked into an AWESOME hostel in Berlin (Baxpax downtown). It’s brand new and very nice. John’s in heaven because there are a few very pretty girls in our room. Anyway, we are going to check out some of the museums tomorrow. Seems like we have left fry central though (It seemed like there was a french fry stand at every corner in Amsterdam and Brussels). Now we are in Sausage central… and I don’t mean guys :). There are braatwurst vendors selling “hotdogs” where the sausage is twice the length of the bun.
Anyway, John has a cold so we are gonna hit the sack early. Thanks for checkin in!
Tags: Europe