Grey and Gloomy
Well, today started off promising… the sun was shining, the birds were singing… I thought it could be the start of a great week. But no….
FIRST of all, I have NO idea what the heck I did to Ali (the shuttle driver), but he like refuses to talk to me now! Honestly, he has really just given me the cold shoulder. And it’s kind of sad because I seem to be able to speak French the best with him… and now, well, now I have nobody to talk to :(. It was honestly a bit of highlight in my day to ride the shuttle to and from headquarters just because I could pretty much talk about anything and we could laugh about it. And even if I’ve only known him for like 6 weeks and see him only like half an hour a day, I feel like I’ve lost a good friend :(.
Secondly, the day progressed, the sun slowly disappeared… it got a bit cloudy… then it started to drizzle. Of course, it waited until the end of the work day to REALLY start POURING. Greeaaat. Luckily, Ali was nice enough to drop me right by the bus stop so I avoided getting wet for a little bit. The bus home was packed with smelly, wet people and it’s raining even HARDER in Ferney/Prevessin. Now there’s even thunder and lightning!!
Thirdly… well, there is no thirdly. I think this is the first time I’ve been bummed out for a long time now… and I don’t like it. I’m gonna go meditate.
Tags: Europe