Only a Phone Call Away
Saturday, July 21st, 2007Well, I was pretty bummed yesterday but I’m feeling better today. First of all, of course, it’s Saturday so that means it’s Market Day! I didn’t need to buy too much but for some reason, I have a great craving for tomatoes so I REALLY stocked up this week. Today was an all fruit and veggie day…. mostly because I’m STILL working on that block of cheese from before.
Peppers, Tomatoes, and Apples…mmm
I actually got home from the market by 10am today so I had a whole day to relax…. however, I ended up working for a good few hours… and cleaning. Man, I’m such a loser. I decided mid afternoon that I would go for a run but of course, with my luck I got caught in the pouring rain on the way home… darn Switzerland rain. I guess that can count as washing my workout stuff. So, with the rain coming down, I decided to call some friends. Boy, that’s just what the doctor ordered. It felt soooo good to catch up with some people… and hear familiar voices. I may be in one of the most beautiful places right now but man, I miss my friends… I can’t wait to see them again. So anyway, that was like a big warm hug for me… the last call I made really soured my pickles though… for those of you who know me well, you might be able to figure out who I called… as usual, he did his darned best to make me feel worthless and a lost cause… sigh. I feel like I owe him for making me strive to make something of myself but man, maybe I should have called him first and then called my friends so I wasn’t so bitter right now.
Anyway, all in all, it’s great to know loved ones (and not so loved ones) are only ever a phone call away.