Driving Driving…. and Horrible Singing
The next day was just another long day of driving….. We stayed in Delhi for a night before another long day of driving to Pushkar.
I’ll have to thank my lucky stars that I can sleep through anything…. and why is that? Because…. only in India could I find somebody that sings worse than my friend Arun… HOURS of blaring music… like and Indian rendition of “Pretty Woman’…. Oh god…. And even when we had english music… like Queen’s greatest hits… our driver’s over-powering version of “Vee Vill Vee Vill Rocking You!” (We will we will rock you) prevailed….. The eardrum torture and Death Defying driving made it a heck of a long drive… but I’ll have to say, I’m still having a good time.
Tags: India, Side Thoughts
February 1st, 2007 at 7:42 am
Funny funny stuff!! I’m sure Luis will appreciate this one! Keep up the great blogging. Vee miss you and vee vill talk to you soon… sorry couldn’t resist.