On Safari Day 2
Monday, November 27th, 2006 Well, like I said, it rained last night but I might not have mentioned that we are camping right next to Nakuru National Park! Yeah, we are not that far from the wildlife… hehe, but it’s in a safe area. Our tent withstood the rain so all is good.
Wow, today…. just wow. We went on a game drive this morning in the park… and we saw soooo many things:
Gazelles (sp?), impala, cape (some sort of buffalo), baboons, black and white clobus monkeys, flamingos (there’s over a million in Lake Nakuru), zebras, … god… there’s too many to name… I’ll just name the one’s that everyone is thinking of right now… hehe… we DID get a chance to see:
Giraffes, Lions, Rhinos, and even a Leopard!! Going on a drive through the park is one of the most exciting things I’ve ever done… man, I can’t even put it into words how exciting it was to see these animals. It’s surreal. So far I am LOVING Africa… It’s too much for words… you should really just come here and see it for yourselves.
We went back to camp for lunch where our wicked chef prepared us an absolutely delicious spagetti lunch… Mmmmm… we are in the town of Nakuru right now… I need to get more film.. hehe. I won’t be able to put pics up for a while… and a lot of them are on film since I brought my super zoom lens to get right up and personal with the animals. I can’t wait to be able to share the pics.
I hope I will get to post again soon because everyday is sooooooooo incredible!