The Great Pyramids
Well, we are in Egypt so of course we had to see the Pyramids and Sphinx in Giza. Our new friends Ahmed and Mohamed picked us up this morning and we headed to the Pyramids. There, we of course took lots of pictures as we walked up to the ginormous structures. We didn’t get to go inside the biggest pyramid but we went into some other tomb. Then, we actually rode horses into the desert!!
I’ll have to thank my Aunt Mary Ann for the riding lessons a few years ago… I was actually able to canter on the sketchy egyptian saddle. John on the other hand was being bumped around quite harshly… haha. It was awesome though, we rode out far enough to get a picture of all 9 pyramids together and we got to ride a camel for a little bit too. Actually we were hijacked by the camel guy and couldn’t return until we paid him 60 Egyptian pounds so that wasn’t so fun but we DID make it back. The rest of the ride was just plain fun. The only crappy part is that our tour didn’t include the side with the Sphinx so we only got to see that from a distance. Either way, today was awesome! I’ll have to apologize to Ahmed and Mohamed because we made them come along with us on this journey and I’m pretty sure they didn’t plan on riding horses in the desert today.
For dinner, we were invited to another nice restaurant by my Aunt’s friend Maged. He treated us to a nice Lebanese/Egyptian dinner and we thanked him for helping us around Cairo. I don’t think we would have had as much fun without the help we’ve had. Crossing the streets alone is a big enough turn off to keep us from leaving the hostel! Tomorrow, we are on our own so we will probably play it safe and go somewhere close.
Hopefully we will be able to find a place to upload some pictures but the USB ports are all broken on this computer.
Oh, I almost forgot, Happy very belated birthday, Barb! And Jos, I think yours is coming up right away so happy early birthday to Jocelyn and my cousin Ryan too. Hannes, I saw you online so that was your birthday wish… sorry if I missed anyone elses’.
Tags: Africa