On a Field Trip!
Saturday, June 30th, 2007Man, what a heck of a day… stupid buses.
Let me recap the past few days though… Thursday was pretty uneventful… worked all day, then went to some “Celebration of the Handover of Hong Kong to China” thing after work. It was another one of those occasions where I felt totally out of place… there were a lot of people in suits and all that jazz and there I was in my etnies, pants and polo shirt. I mean, I was eating crackers next to the “Ambassador of Jamaica” or something like that. I mean, it was really cool to be able to go to a function like that but man, I love my backyard bbqs compared to catered affairs.
Then, on Friday… worked as usual. It was actually a really fun day… aside from working and taking in a French lesson at lunch, I got to go to HQ to work out some paperwork stuff and hang out with my co-workers a bit more. We actually kind of had an ordeal where we were supposed to pick up an intern from the airport and kind of lost her…. oops! But everything worked out fine and it was really entertaining since everyone I work with is fairly humorous. Guess you had to be there.
Today was a different story… in town (Ferney), it was Fete de Ferney! So market day was super market day and there was live music and stuff… I went fairly early in the morning because I had to catch an airplane in the afternoon…. little did I now, Fete De Ferney must have been so exciting that the noon buses decided to skip out on picking people up from the bus stop! Well, i don’t know if that’s actually the reason but for some reason, the buses at noon and 12:30 never showed up at the bus stop… I would have been screwed for catching my flight if it wasn’t for my supervisor/boss/hero, Charlie, who drove all the way to the bus stop to take me to the airport! I checked in ok and got on the plane with like a minute to spare…. thought that was all over with… BUT there would be more bus troubles.
In Paris, I was to take the Air France bus to the Arch de Triomphe…. apparently there is a strike going on so that bus wasn’t running! Soooo, I caught the bus that went to Montparnesse instead…. HOWEVER, for some reason, the road was closed so everyone got dropped off at Gare De Lyon instead… sigh, so, I called my uncle and made my way through the subway to some other place… basically, it was just a pain in the neck all afternoon. But now, I am safe in Paris. I have a field trip for work here on Monday but they flew me out today since I have family here anyway. Oh, I guess they don’t call it a field trip when you are working… it’s called “Duty Travel”. Either way, I’m in Paris due to work… that’s pretty cool.
Anywho, I’m pooped now but I will post about my field trip when I get back to Switzerland.