Smiling Ear To Ear
Well, John and I said our goodbyes to Cairo and our new found frends who showed us such egyptian hospitality. It was almost like saying goobye to old friends… bit it was time to move along.
The flight was smooth other than the fact that the “vegetarian” lasagna was made with ground beef… I took a bit without knowing it was beef… adn that bit ended up being barfed out later.. yuck. MMMMM…
When then plane landed, John and I were oddly silent as we got off the plane and made our way to the border control… funnily, we were both uncontrollably smiling ear to ear and we both knew why… we were in Kenya! As we walked past posters of elephants, giraffes, etc, our smiles took over our faces… we were both soooo excited for this safari!
We met with our guide, Alphonce, at the hotel and John, me, and 3 other travellers were debriefed about what we could expect for the next 15 days. Man, a 15 day safari… Woooo!
Tags: Africa