Thoughts In the Sand
For those of you who know me, you probably know that I love the ocean. I used to think I loved it for the surfing but I’ve come to realize that I think I love the setting… the open air, the warm sun, the rythmic waves, and the light ocean breeze. I could sit out here for hours just day dreaming… which is what I’m doing right now (written on paper a couple days ago).
[Random thoughts and corny moment alert…do not continue readind if you aren’t in the mood for random thoughts and corny moments]
As I pass the halfway point on this trip (yes, I’ve been gone for more than 4.5 months now!), it still slaps me in the face sometimes that, “Holy Crap! I’m on the other side of the world!!”. The places I’ve been and the things I’ve seen have surely changed my life. I thank my lucky stars that I even have the opportunity to do this.
I’ve learned that in countries, people actually require an invitation letter from the country they want to visit to even be considered for a visitors visa… bunk. It makes me feel almost like a snob… Like, what makes a Canadian any different than, for example, an Ethiopian? So does this mean that an adventurous person in Ethiopia can’t go see the world freely? Do they need an invitation from every country they want to go visit?? Seems like a pretty raw deal, yet, here I am traveling the world… Makes me feel so guilty! Damn politics. Somebody should do something about this… Grrr….
Anyway, after almost 5 months on the road, I’ve also realized how awesome people in my life are… everyone from my mom, to my tight circle of friends, to every random person I’ve met on my travels. I’m a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and I believe meeting all these people along the way has really changed my life in one way or another. Everyone seems to play some role in building the character that I am today… a little nutty sometimes but that’s just how I like it.
I think I might have wrote a similar blog post earlier but it’s almost like I’m starting to “get high” on life now… haha. Everytime I get a comment on the blog or a personal email, it makes me feel like you’re on this trip with me. It brings a tear to to my eye… hehe. Not that John isn’t great company but seeing the same person day in and day out isn’t always rainbows and lollipops. So, hearing from different people is always refreshing.
So, once again, thanks to everyone for coming on this trip with me… I know a few of you are studying for exams… many of you are probably at work right now sneaking a peak on a quick break (Don’t worry, I won’t tell)… or maybe you’re just checking in before heading to bed. Where ever you are, you rule!!
Anyway, enough with all my corniness… next thing you’ll know, is that I’ll be saying that I’m destined for greater things… haha, yeah right. Nah, I’ll always be little ol’ Ev. I did want to answer some re-occuring questions though…
1. What has been your favorite place?
Ev-It’s a tie between Tanzania and Switzerland… both of which I plan to visit again.
John- Tanzania
2. Has it been tough finding vegetarian food?
It was tough in some places (Oktoberfest, Romania…) but for the most part it’s been easy… especially here in India.
3. Any major ailments?
Ev- None right now but I puked 3 times so far, no poo problems, at one point I had 58 bug bits on me, got some pretty bad sun burns, and almost passed out once.
John- Puked twice, had a couple buttery poos, only like 7 bug bites, sunburn, and one big cut due to clumsiness….
Nothing Major… knock on wood.
4. Favorite Food so far?
Ev- That vegetarian restaurant in Madrid… and pizza in Rome too.
John- Lamb dish with almonds, butter, prunes, and veggies cooked in a tangine (Morocco).
5. Worst Experience?
Ev- Getting violated in India
John- Chasing the bus in Romania and thinking that he may have lost me and been stranded there.
6. Best Experience?
Ev- Summiting Mount Kilimanjaro.
John- Ditto
7. Funniest thing I’ve seen?
Ev- Watching John get his hair cut at a small local Tanzanian barber shop. It was the guys first time cutting a white guys hair… haha… he took his time (1.5 hours) but it looked good… hehe.
John- Watching Ev constantly swat bugs and get bitten while I sit there carefree… I guess they like chinese food.
8. Awesomest thing I’ve seen?
Ev- Man-made thing: Everything in Dubai
Natural: Kilimanjaro
John- Man Made thing: St. Peter’s Basilica
Natural: Kilimanjaro
9. Things that Urk us?
Ev/John: Hockers, perverts, excessive noise, pushy people/salespeople, public urination/defication, feeling ripped off when we buy something because we suck at bartering, and people inviting themselves to “help” us find something and then expecting us to pay them.
10. Biggest Surprise?
Ev- How great this trip has turned out so far. After a year of planning my ass off, I had prepared for the worst and hoped for the best. I guess I thought I’d run into at least some things that just took us for a spin but we have definitely been blessed so far.
John- How much more he appreciates the space/cleanliness of Canada after seeing the conditions/pollution in some of the other Countries.
I think that’s all for now… oh, and to reply to my brother’s last comment, Yes, I think I will be hitting the range quite a bit when I return :).
See y’all in Sri Lanka!
Tags: India, Side Thoughts
February 13th, 2007 at 12:40 am
man, remember all those times on Kits Beach? those were awesome…just sitting, sweating, watching the view and then…watching the view hahaha
April 24th, 2007 at 11:40 am
I just joined Bootsnall and happened on this post when when I was looking for things other people had written. Spending the first 50years of my working life in the US, confined largely to US travel, after doing a job exchange in London 10 long years ago I realized I had the travel bug. Even then I was searching for Around the World plane fares, trying to decide what to do. Now,evenafter 2 years in the Peace Corps I realize I really do want to do this, and your post here is affirming that. What interesting experienes you are having and how well you write about them.nrnrI will be going to Israel for six weeks ahortly and your blog is giving me ideas for posting.nrnrElizabeth