Side Thoughts…by Evelyn Cheng
hehe, I’m so corny, I know…
Anyway, I just wanted to jot down some side thoughts… the 36 hour trip here gave me a lot of time to Ponder about stuff and such.
In Istanbul, we met a lot of people… more so than anywhere else. Anyway, so we met a whole schwack of people from Canada (one from Edmonton), a guy from Iceland, a few girls from the States, and a guy from Sweden. I think the atmosphere of the hostel was perfect for meeting people… there were a bunch of table to play chess/backgammon(sp?)/cards on and a bunch of floor cushions… it was a really relaxing atmosphere.
Anyway, it occured to me on the train that I have answered one of my age old questions… Where do you meet good guys (and for the guys reading this post, Where do you meet girls)? Back in Edmonton, people generally go out to the bars to meet people… or you could meet people at school but once you’re done school it’s harder to find genuine people. But here, on the road, I find it so easy to just sit down and strike up a conversation about anything. I spent probably 3 hours straight just conversing with the guy from Sweden about India and how his prefered method of travel is his bicycle! And the great thing is, people we’ve met on the road have a genuine interest in the world outside of their own (unless their sole purpose of their trip was to get drunk in every Country)…
I find the people I’ve met on these travels so much more open minded and interesting then the average Joe you meet back home. I guess the only catch is that, once you leave the Country you are visiting, you will be a whole world away from that person. Anyway, that was my side thought… maybe I’m just too much of a hermit back and home and don’t get out and meet people or something.
Tags: Europe, Side Thoughts
October 22nd, 2006 at 2:17 am
For thous thad dont know it. Im the guy from Iceland that Evelyn met.
Anyway. I see what you are getting at. You have to have a sertain personality to travel. So the people you meet tend to have the same interests as you.
And its also healthy to think that even though Ive met so many Austrailians traveling (especialy in Istanbul) I rely dont know how the majority is.
Its just that such a big part of each country just stays at home. And you only meet these kinds of people by going there.
Goch. I love traveling with hostels. They are the greatest.
January 19th, 2011 at 12:49 am
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