Futbol Club Barcelooona! Olé-lé, Ola-la, Ser del Barça, es lo millor que hi ha
So, it’s been a day or 2 since my last post… the ferry ride over was long but pretty fun. We ran into a couple of Aussies which we were “racing” on the day of my “Amazing Race” post… small world. We also met a couple of new people on the ferry: A Texan (who was couch surfing for a few months, an Italian free spirit girl that was very…. free spirited.. we’ll leave it at that, and an awesome dude from San Francisco. The journey over on the ferry was actually quite entertaining since we actually met people. We shared stories of our travels, slept on really ghetto seats, played heart/dominos, and had some wonderful meals (you could buy a bun for 20 cents and then there was free parmasan/lemon wedges/salt/pepper… The San Fran guy showed us how a real budget meal is done).
Anyway, hostels are packed here so we’ve been staying at different hostels every night. I guess Halloween is a big thing here (considering they were celebrating starting a couple days ago). Tonight is our last night here and we are all in the same hostel again. We lost the San Fran guy today though. John and I went to… uh, I dunno anymore… I think we are kinda burnt out at this point. We saw a church and went to a big castle… and yeah, walked around. It’s been nice to just chill out with some people. The only thing I regret is not getting out to see more Gaudi works… and we are leaving tomorrow morning so we probably won’t get a chance to see any :s .
OH… I almost forgot! We went to a FCB Barcelona game last night! Now, I don’t follow soccer/futbol that much but being in that stadium with 80,000 fans was quite exhilarating! That and the fact that Ronaldinho is frickin’ amazing with the ball. Barcelona won 3-0 and each goal caused such an uproar in the crowd… it sent shivers down my spine. After the game, watching 80,000 fans rush into the streets was just as exciting (I was watching from waaaaay up… since my seat was the 3 last row from the top).
Ummm, I think that’s it for now. John and I are going to try some authentic Spanish Tapas tonight and then just lay low. We have to lug our bags across town tomorrow morning to catch the train to Madrid. A couple days there, a couple more on the southern coast of Spain, and then finally it’s off to Morocco for a week where we can just unwind.
Tags: Europe