On Top of Athens
Today we went up to the mountain/hill that the Parthenon sits on. The view from up there was spectacular! At one side, you could see the chrystal blue waters where all the Greek Islands lie, to the other side, you could see all of Athens (it’s HUGE).
The Parthenon itself was quite impressive as well… it’s hard to imagine what the area would have looked like back in the day but from what’s left standing today, I can only imagine how amazing it was. It took John and I the bulk of the day to walk up and down the mountain checking out all the ruins and what not. The sun was out in full force today so I got a little fried. John was smart enough to bring his cap.
The city part of Athens is actually not that impressive… I really wish we had the money to go check out the islands because they look absolutely amazing! Maybe that will have to be for the next trip. Tomorrow, I think we will head to Petras and try to catch a boat to Italy. We’ve decided to skip out on Venice and we’ll head straight to Rome. From there, I think we will catch another boat to Barcelona and then it’s off to Madrid, Malaga, and then a week in Morocco! Which reminds me, if anyone has attempted to take a train/boat from Spain to Morocco, some pointers would be greatly appreciated.
Tags: Europe
October 25th, 2006 at 5:41 pm
Hey Ev,
When we went from Spain to Morocco, we took a ferry from Tarifa to the port of Tangier. A bus took us directly from Marbella to Tarifa, and the ferry ride wasn’t too long. But since you’re going to Malaga, you guys should probably leave from Algeciras. Check your email.. I’ll send you a link with more info.