Canadian Adventures
Thursday, October 19th, 2006We met a couple people from Canada at the hostel (one guy is from Edmonton!) as we all went to the spice market (small version of the grand bazaar but with more spices and foods and what not). We spent all day practicing our bartering, and we actually had people going down considerably on their prices! We didn’t actually buy much but it was still fun. I was also fun to have some different company all day.
After the market we went and checked out Agia Sophia Mosque today and checked that out for a while. It was a lot bigger than the Blue Mosque but there was a ton of scaffolding in the middle because they were restoring the ceiling.
John and I went down to check out the coast after… very very nice. There was a lady climbing on the rocks posing for a picture, which her husband was taking, and she fell in the water! She took it quite well but I felt so bad for her… that water isn’t exactly nice. Still it was quite a sight to see! ANNNYYYWWAAAYYY… we ended up going to dinner with the guy from Edmonton and then taking in some delicious Turkish desserts.
It will be sad to leave Turkey tomorrow but the trip must go on!
I just tried uploading some pictures but I can’t figure out how the heck to make the appear… anyone use bootsnall before?