Enchantıng Whırlıng Dervıshes
Well, we just got back from the Whirling Dervishes Ceremony. The music and dancing was quite enchanting… almost hypnotizing. It was quite a sight to see and I’m glad I got a chance to catch that while in Turkey.
Today, we went to the Grand Bazaar (even though it’s freaking cold now!)… Basically its an area with more than 4000 shops where people are trying to sell you anything from silver to “D&G” clothing. John is a horrible barterer (is that a word?)… when the vendor asked him how much he was willing to pay, John actually told the guy his top price (which was already pretty high)… haha. We got better at talking people down… I bought a couple of little things and a good luck charm of sorts (at least thats what the guy told me).
Anyway, I’m totally addicted to Turkish Apple Tea now… I don’t know how I’m going to go on without it later. I can only carry back so much. I hope it warms up tomorrow so we can go and check out the coast without freezing our butts off!
Tags: Europe
October 20th, 2006 at 10:05 am
You should consult with your aunt Mary-Ann and Ruthanne, they are bargainer from hell !!