it’s time…
Friday, October 1st, 2010Dad: “So when are you going back to California?”
Me: “Uh, Dad I’m not sure, sometime this year, maybe Dec”
Dad: “Maybe? It’s been how long now…? When are you gonna stop gallivanting around?”
Me: (long pause) I don’t know, Dad…..Uh, I gotta run. Love you, bye!”
Gotta love my conversations with my Dad. Every single one this year always ended with him asking me when I was coming home…and it always ended with me hanging up with a ‘gotta-run-i-love-you-bye’
Well, today, I’m about to make his day.
I just booked my one-way flight out of China. I’ll be flying to Guam to spend the holidays with my family before I head back home to San Diego. Woo hoo!
Home… to stay? Am I ready to give up my travel boots? I don’t think so.
D-day is the 19th of December. OMG.