I’m booked for China
Thursday, January 22nd, 200912th of February – I leave for Beijing! WoooHooo!
Quick recap on my job search: The past two months have been nothing but applications, waiting, phone interviews, waiting, paperwork, waiting, more paperwork and more waiting. Instead of sitting here, twiddling my thumbs and waiting for the right contract to come along, I’ve decided to take the advice of a friend who taught English in China for three years. She suggested that I fly to China, look into the schools of interest that are hiring, and apply in person. So I’m going to do just that! Plus, there are advantages of applying in person: first impressions, contract negotiation, etc… I’m in the process of cutting my cities down as to where I plan on teaching so I’ll keep you guys posted.
So how do I feel right now?
I’m freakin’ excited but in all honesty a bit scared. I am moving a gazillion miles away to a new country.
Am I still going?
Heck yessss!!
P.S. To my family and friends, and I say this with all my love – No more surprise parties! I think I cried enough back in August when I left for my first trip. Although, I think I could get use to all the surprises lol 🙂 just kidding.
Xièxie (Thank you)