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Hump Day

Wednesday, June 13th, 2007

Well, I’ve made it to Wednesday…. yesterday was pretty uneventful… it started out sunny… and looked amazingly sunny all day while I was stuck on a retarded problem trying to create some tables. I figured, I’d just put up with it for the bulk of the day and enjoy a beautiful sunny evening. So, I worked my sleeping brain as hard as I could until quitting time… stepped outside… and it was like a scene from a movie…. the SECOND I stepped onto the sidewalk, I heard thunder and then BAM, it was raining on me. Luckily, I’ve learned not to go anywhere without the umbrella so all was good.

This morning was a different story, it was the clearest I’ve seen it since I got here… .I could see the mountains for miles… just breath-taking. So breath-taking that I stopped to look at them… and then missed my bus… haha. Luckily, I’ve been trying to catch the early bus so I still made it on time. So, every morning, I take a bus to the headquarters and from there I catch a shuttle to a different building… the driver of this shuttle is a really good lookin’ guy… and for some reason, I’m the only one who ever takes the shuttle. So, he’s been helping me with my french and stuff… I’ll have to say, it’s actually starting to come back! Mme. Chebry (My french teacher) would be so proud!

Anyway, I’ve been cooking tons of fresh food and feeling great… still haven’t gone on that jog but hopefully this weekend…. riiight.

Oh, here are a few things I’ve learned about myself:
1. I have not acquired a taste for cheese…. it still tastes a little bit like crusty socks to me but I’ve been doing my best trying all sorts of them.
2. I am a fashion faux pas… haha. I am surprised nobody has called Stacy and Clinton on me to be on what not to wear. In Edmonton, I may be seen as different, or unique… but here, I think I appear to be some kind of accident. Everyone here dresses so good… I’m going to make it a point to try and learn how to put together a wardrobe.
3. I am a boring person. I am not very outgoing… I don’t know why it is? Maybe I just don’t like going out because I am a walking fashion victim. I’m going to grow up to be one of those crazy cat ladies… but I’m allergic to cats… so I’m going to raise rocks.. yeah.

Sigh… on that note… I’m going to retreat into my hermit shell.

Late for the first day of work…

Monday, June 11th, 2007

Not that anyone noticed… or in that case cared, I showed up at 9:30 today for my first day of work. It was pouring rain so the bus was late which made me miss the shuttle to the building where I work… so yeah… oops.

Anyway, the rest of the weekend was nice… learned my way around Ferney, France (the little town where I am living), which is only like a 15 minute drive from Geneva so the commute isn’t bad. Ferney is actually called Ferney-Voltaire because he played a big role in making the town what it is today… I’m staying pretty close to his residence… which is PIMPED. For some reason, they closed it to the public sometime between when I was here last and now. Maybe it will open up again later in the summer. There’s also an awesome little market on Saturdays the runs down the street in the town… they sell fresh veg/fruits, odds and ends, cheese, cheese, and bread… and cheese. They love their cheese here. I’m still trying to find the ones I can stand. Ummm, there’s also some great walking/running/biking trails nearby that my Uncle Jim showed me… they are stunning. Orderly grape vines, orchards with all sorts of fruits, grassy fields, dense forests, rolling hills… this area seems to have it all… not to mention the mountains in the distance. It might actually be enough to motivate me to go jogging…. we’ll see.

Anyway, today was my first day at work at the W.H.O… everyone there is really nice… and the atmosphere is really laid back so it’s perfect for me to ease my way back into work. I mainly work with a guy named Charlie from Sweden… he’s pretty fun to work with… he accidentally knocked a standing lamp down on my head today… haha… I still have a bump on my head. The bulk of today was spent going through their current system and learning my way around before I totally nerd out on them and pwn their database system. The day seemed to fly by and I was back “home” in no time… made myself a trough of salad… mmmm. It hasn’t stopped raining all day… so I guess I can’t go for that jog… hehe.

Humdidum… I’m homesick…. sigh. Anyone there?

My Return to Switzerland

Friday, June 8th, 2007
Well, it's been like 8 months since I've been in Switzerland and it looks quite different this time around. Instead of the beautiful colors of fall, summer is in full bloom here. I look forward to enjoying the background of ... [Continue reading this entry]

In Paris… Say What??!!

Sunday, June 3rd, 2007
Yeah, that`s right... I`m struggling with this darn French keyboard right now trying to put up this post. So yeah, for those of you who I didn`t get in contact with while I was back in Edmonton for a week, ... [Continue reading this entry]

John and I Freakin’ RULE!!

Wednesday, January 10th, 2007
So, from the sounds of the title, you can probably guess the outcome of our climb... HOWEVER, there is something that makes us even better... First of all, I have to apologize to my uncle and other family members who through ... [Continue reading this entry]

Teaching In Ethiopia

Friday, December 15th, 2006
Well, John and I arrived safely in Addis Ababa and were picked up by someone from the Ethiopian Children's Fund to bring us to Aleltu. We went around Addis first to pick up some groceries and to have lunch with ... [Continue reading this entry]

Goodbye Europe, Hello Africa!

Sunday, November 19th, 2006
Well, it's been 2 months and 2 days since we left Edmonton to embark on this journey around the world. This first leg of the trip started in London and progressed to Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam, Berlin, Munich, Vienna, Satu Mare, ... [Continue reading this entry]

A Nice Long Drive Around Lac Leman

Sunday, November 19th, 2006
Today was pretty neat. My Aunt, John, and I packed up some fresh local cheese, carrot sticks, tomatoes, and chocolate and went of a car ride around Lac Leman (This is the Lake that Geneva sits on the tip of). ... [Continue reading this entry]

Food Day for John

Saturday, November 18th, 2006
Well, the day didn't start off so great for John because my Uncle thought it would be funny to make John eat the same thing I eat so John had eat vegetarian fried rice for brunch before my uncle drove ... [Continue reading this entry]

Leaving Paris…

Friday, November 17th, 2006
Well, our time in Paris is up... we`ve actually done a lot of relaxing and what not. The laundry is done, we`ve sent home our purchases from Europe, and we are ready to head to Geneva to visit my other ... [Continue reading this entry]