800+ Pictures on Flickr
Friday, November 17th, 2006So I have loaded up 800+ photos onto www.flickr.com/photos/mushu. I`ve started putting titles on them but I highly doubt I will finish anytime soon.
I still don`t like the idea of making these all public (They were public when I posted them and people were already creepin`…)…. so if you have a flickr/yahoo account, let me know and I`ll send you an invite. If you don`t, and do not want to set one up (psh, lazy bum… I upload 800 pictures and you can`t set up an account)… then send me an email/comment and if I`m feeling nice, maybe I`ll let you use Fonzworth`s Flickr account.
Make sure to let me know before I leave Cairo (November 24th) because I dont know what kind of internet access I might have after that.