Things we miss… part 1
1. Smoke Free Environments… everyone smokes here… and it stinks
2. Taco Bell… for some reason… just craving the food…
3. Bottomless pop… drinks are so expensive here!
4. Miss Vicki´s Salt and Vinegar chips (this ones for John)
5. Down Matresses and big fluffy blankets… although, it´s been so frickin hot at night here that I could go without for now.
6. Mom´s home cooked tomato and egg dish… mmmmmmm
Tags: Europe, Side Thoughts
November 2nd, 2006 at 6:10 pm
funny, I’m eating salt and vinegar chips right now…Ms Vicki’s
good thing you’re out of Turkey, i thought i saw on the news some major floods. Pretty damn tragic.
o yeah, simon’s comment about u getting free dessert was pretty funny, i just wanted to add that.
another thing, why the hell am I from America???