Paris Part 2
It`s funny… when I don`t have easily accessible internet, I always make the effort to make a post every chance I get but now that I have unlimited internet at my aunt`s house, I haven`t made an update for a while.
So, we arrive in Paris in one piece. On the first day back, we went to the Louvre. I consider myself quite ignorant when it comes to art so the Louvre was a challenge to walk through for so many hours. I mean, I recognize that each piece is a great piece of work and some pieces would wow me more than others but after about the 3rd hour, they started to look the same. We did however get a chance to see the Mona Lisa and Venus De Milo. Of course, we weren`t allowed to take photos of the Mona Lisa… it`s quite heavily guarded. The Louvre pretty much took up the whole day… we picked up some supplies for the second leg of the world trip with whatever time we had left and called it a night.
On the next day, we headed over to the Arc De Triomphe. At the time we went, the traffic was pretty sparse so we didnt get to see the crazy traffic circle in action but traffic in general is quite crazy here. It was only 2 days after Rememberance Day so there were actually still some flowers under the Arc… unless those are there all the time? After checking out everything under the Arc, we made the ride (not the stairs) to the top of the Arc. On top, there is a great veiw of Paris. You can see pretty much everything… the Eiffel Tower, Champs-Elysées, The big square building with the hole in it… everything. We took a bunch of pictures and then it was off to the Eiffle Tower.
As we got closer and closer to the tower, it seemed to get bigger and bigger. And yes, the Eiffel Tower is quite massive… I`m glad we decided to wait until November to see it because it was still very busy in September. There was a really short and quick line-up to get up on the elevator and the view from the top was spectacular! Again, we took many pictures from the third and second levels and of course, got a little souvenir. They have these little collector coins in Paris for their main attractions so we just get those when we can. I think we have 8 or so now.
Anyway, sad to say, that`s all we`ve done… we spent yesterday doing a whole lot of nothing other than cleaning up our stuff and packing a box to send home. It felt nice though because, after the Louvre, I`m definitely museum`ed out… which is unfortunate because Paris has sooo many to see. Oh well, looks like I`ll have to return someday.
Oh, I set up a flickr account yesterday too but I didn`t want the pictures to be public so I have to send invites or something like that… which means you have to have a yahoo/flickr login or something like that… it seems like a big pain in the ass but I don`t want creepy randoms checkin out the pics… so if you have a Yahoo account already, send me a comment or email and I`ll give you permission for the pics. (
Tags: Europe
November 16th, 2006 at 10:22 am
Hi Ev,
I afraid there is no other way, it is not user friendly at all if you want privacy. I just leave all the pictures for public.
When are you heading our way ? I can give you tons of suggestion on where to go in China.
November 16th, 2006 at 10:46 pm
hey,nrnris it easier if I gave you our mailing addy and we can bring it to grandma for u? if not, i’ll get it for you tomorrow
November 16th, 2006 at 10:47 pm
replace nrnris with easier….i dunno what the hell happend
November 17th, 2006 at 12:09 am
my pics on flickr are public too… unless you tag them properly, it makes it next to impossible for people to find those pictures, unless they know your site for some reason or another.
Did you see the Eiffel tower at night? It does a light show.
November 17th, 2006 at 7:55 am
oops i mean to say replace ‘nrnris’ with ‘isn’t’. damn it ev…