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March 19, 2004

A productive, responsible member of society

Over the last few days I've been sorting things out to make my year here a bit more organized. OK, I still haven't decided if I should be getting a job yet or still checking places out till I find one that fits, but I have managed to get some things straightened out.

I registered for a postal box address - so I now have a permanent address in Oz, no matter where I move to (so there is no excuse to not send me birthday cards etc etc *hint* email me if you want the address!)
With my new address sorted, I could then apply for a tax number (easy-peasy, takes about 20 minutes and they sent the number out to you within 7 days so you can work without being stung on emergancy tax) and open a bank account (again ridiculously easy - just show your passport and stick in a few $ to get the a/c started)! I'm impressed with the ease these things can happen, I'm sure at home it would take forever!
Not only do I have an address, tax number and bank account - I got me a brand new mobile too :o)
After getting myself work ready, I was still debating whether or not to work here in Sydney or to move on. After signing on with a couple of agencies, I still wasn't sure. After a bit of umming and ahhing, I finally decided on Saturday to go book my ticket to Melbourne.
I got the the travel place and there was a queue at the desk, so I wandered over to the internet desk and got chatting to the guy there. Within moments, I had managed to talk my way into a job. Not quite sure how, but there you go.
I left without my ticket, and plans to be in Sydney for at least another 3 weeks while I work.
Ooooh, before I forget - I LOVE THIS COUNTRY! As I'm now a productive member of society, I had to go clothes shopping to get stuff to wear for work. (As good an excuse as any!) I don't know what's happened but either:
a) the australians are "generous" with fitments
b) they just have different sizes
c) I've lost weight since leaving home
I doubt it's C as I've been eating like a trouper and only got ill one time (and that was only for a few hours) so it must be one of the first two... either way - I've dropped a size, and have never been happier than saying to the shop assistant, "can I try this in a smaller size?" I never thought I'd say those words! *bliss*
Its the little things that make me happy :oP

Posted by Mary on March 19, 2004 12:17 AM
Category: Australia, being sensible


I can put you in contact with a guy that runs "backpacker" flats in St Kilda, Melbourne. Its cheap as chips and gives you a firm base to work from. He's a bit odd but hell, I crashed at one of his pads for 9 months and had a wild time :)

Plus, like I said, theres an agency in Box Hill that I know can get you work ( lots of money, bog standard admin in a hospital ) and plenty of bars :D Hic, I only actually worked in a few of them....


Posted by: Dan on March 23, 2004 04:32 PM

email me with the info - will be there in a month so any advance planning would be a novelty for me :oP

Posted by: mary on March 24, 2004 06:55 AM
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