Articles Tagged ‘International Schools’
Thursday, March 22nd, 2018
Posted in About Me, China, requirements, Write, Writer, writing, Wuhan | Comments Off on We arrived, and have mostly thrived …
Monday, March 19th, 2018
We returned to China on Halloween. Sorry to say, it wasn’t too scary.

The flight was delayed. No one was at the airport to meet us. So, a bit scary.

Hong Kong
We left Surabaya about 8:00 am and arrived in Hong Kong at about 12:00 pm. We were to have a three-hour layover, then it became four, and then soon enough it was more.

Hong Kong
We arrived in Wuhan about 10:30 pm. We called the school and finally realized we were on our own.
Someone overheard us speaking English and came over.
He said he was an UBER driver, and we let him talk to the school. Let’s be honest, he could have been sharing a recipe for corn-beefed hash. We followed him to his car because we didn’t have many options.
The ride was pleasant, but our little guy was tired, hungry and cold.
We arrived at a darkened school to find out that the apartment wasn’t ready and we were then taken to a dodgy hotel. It was clean. We fell asleep. Too early the next morning we grabbed all our stuff and went off to see the apartment. It was nowhere near ready. After visiting the school, we found another hotel and did our best imitation of relaxing.
(more to come)
Posted in About Me, China, Duplessis, Education, Family, Flight delay, Hong Kong, Hubei, Life outside of work, Living the dream, overseas living, Surabaya, Travel, Uber, Write, Writer, writing, Wuhan | Comments Off on Back in China
Tuesday, November 7th, 2017
We arrived in Wuhan on Halloween at 11:30pm. We had a great flight from Surabaya to Hong Kong.
My wife Emily, and our youngest son Wyatt have been preparing for our return to China since April 2017. In Indonesia, the ...
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Posted in China, difference, dining, Family, flight attendant, Write, Writer | Comments Off on Living in Wuhan
Friday, April 7th, 2017
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="300"]

Affordable Degrees[/caption]
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Posted in A lasting gift, About Me, affordable, Africa, Alumni, American, Amsterdam, Argentina, Art, Asia, Aspirations, At the office, Atlantic City, Australia, Avenger, Baba Ghanoush, Bali, Bangkok, bar, BBA, beach, Beer, BGS, bottle, Bridges, Bruce Wayne, Budget, business, Business Administration, Cambridge, Canada, Canadian English Course, Career, CEC, Certification, Charity, Cherry, China, Cita Hati, Classroom, Cloze passage, cohort, College, communicate, Community, competition, Conversation, courage, customer service, Debate, decency, Degree, degrees, Depression, Destinations, Development, difference, dining, discussion, Documentary, Double Degree, Duplessis, Education, employee relations, England, ESL, esl practice, essays, European, excelsior, exist, Expats, Family, fitness, futility, gap-year, Germany, graduation, Guru, Health, humanity, Humility, IELTS, Independence Day, Indonesia, Intercultural, International, International English Language Testing System, International Schools, Java, Lamar University, Las Vegas, lawrenceduplessis, leadership, Les Privat, Life outside of work, Links, Living the dream, Locals, Longevity, Love, Macau, Madura, Mariposa, Marketable, Masa Cerah Depan, Merdeka, Mexican, Monte Carlo, Muay Thai, Municipal, Networking, Ontario, organization, Organizational, overseas, overseas living, Passport, private, Private lesson, public trust, quality, Rating, re-invent yourself, Reconstruction, Renaissance, repair, requirements, resolution, responsibility, revenue, school, Schools, Sheraton, Siam, Siam Institute, Siam Technology College, Stand, Storytelling, Surabaya, teacher training, Teaching, teaching in Asia, Technology, tefl, Tefl Indonesia, Tefl International, tesol, Tesol certification, Texas, Thai, thailand, TOEFL, Top Ten list, Top Ten lists, traditional, training, Translation, Travel, Truth, TV, United States, University, USA, vacation, video, Vocabulary, Water, Wayne, Wayne Duplessis, wayneduplessis, Write, Writer, Youtube | Comments Off on Improving your life shouldn’t cost an arm and a leg
Saturday, April 1st, 2017
Dual degrees are common in American and Canadian universities. The idea of studying complementary programs and even taking a degree while taking a complementary College qualification.
What about a degree in International Business, complemented by studies in Leadership. This degree is ...
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Posted in A lasting gift, Alumni, American, Bangkok, Certification, Classroom, Community, Degree, International English Language Testing System, International Schools, Lamar, Lamar University, lawrenceduplessis, leadership, Life outside of work, Living the dream, Siam Technology College, Teaching, tefl, tesol, Tesol certification, Texas, Thai, Travel, USA, wayneduplessis | Comments Off on Dual Degree: What is it, and is it possible?
Thursday, March 30th, 2017
Les privat, Cambridge, TOEFL dan IELTS persiapan, kelas untuk anak-anak, remaja dan orang dewasa. HP: 087851964031
Posted in A lasting gift, About Me, Alumni, Art, baked, Bali, Cambridge, Canada, Certification, Classroom, Cloze passage, Community, competition, Debate, Depression, Destinations, Documentary, Drink, Duplessis, Education, ESL, Expats, Family, futility, gap-year, Guru, Health, Hope, Hotel, humanity, Humility, Ice Cream, IELTS, Independence Day, Indonesia, Ingredients, International English Language Testing System, International Schools, Java, Kartini Day, Les Privat, Life outside of work, Links, Living the dream, Locals, Longevity, Love, Madura, Mariposa, Masa Cerah Depan, Natural, Networking, nightlife, Oktoberfest, overseas living, Pasar Modern, Prep, private, Private lesson, quality, Rating, Reconstruction, Renaissance, requirements, responsibility, Schools, Storytelling, Surabaya, Teaching, tefl, tesol, TOEFL, Top Ten list, visa, Vocabulary, Wayne, Wayne Duplessis, Youtube | Comments Off on Swasta guru / Trainer Tersedia
Friday, March 3rd, 2017
[caption id="attachment_1712" align="alignnone" width="511" caption="IELTS Preparation in Surabaya"]

The IELTS (International English Language Testing System)
English language proficiency test for higher education and global migration. work ...
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Posted in A lasting gift, IELTS, Indonesia, Ingredients, International, International English Language Testing System, Living the dream, Pasar Modern, public trust, Rating, requirements, responsibility, Schools, Surabaya, tropics, Vocabulary | Comments Off on IELTS Preparation In Surabaya
Friday, February 24th, 2017
Private lessons, Cambridge, TOEFL and IELTS prep, classes for children, teens and adults. Mobile: 087851964031
Posted in A lasting gift, About Me, Art, At the office, Cambridge, Charity, Classroom, Cloze passage, Community, customer service, Debate, Duplessis, Education, ESL, Expats, Family, Hope, International Schools, Life outside of work, Links, Prep, quality, Rating, Schools, Storytelling, Surabaya, tefl, tesol, Tesol certification, testament, Vocabulary, Wayne, Wayne Duplessis, Write, Writer, Youtube | Comments Off on Private teacher/Trainer Available
Sunday, January 29th, 2017
I shared a meme. It’s something many of us do, have done, and perhaps we’ll do it again. This meme was a reworking of a famous poem by German Pastor Martin Niemöller.
A message was then posted which questioned ...
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Posted in A lasting gift, About Me, Bridges, Canada, Documentary, Duplessis, Education, England, European, Expats, Family, Hope, Humility, Indonesia, unwise, visa, Vocabulary, Wayne, Wayne Duplessis | Comments Off on An Open and Honest Discussion
Friday, October 21st, 2016
Join Little Chefs for a Spookylicious Halloween

Saturday 29th Oct 2016 at 10am - 11.30am
Lenmarc Mall Ground Floor Surabaya

Halloween is coming...!!!
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Posted in A lasting gift, Alumni, Art, baked, Bread, Bridges, BridgesSurabaya, Classroom, competition, cookie, Crusty, customer service, dining, Duplessis, Education, Fresh, Fresh Bread, Health, homemade, Hope, Indonesia, Ingredients, International Schools, Java, Lenmarc Mall, Life outside of work, Links, Little Chefs, Living the dream, Locals, Merah Putih, Natural, overseas living, public trust, Putree Stann, quality, requirements, restaurants, Schools, Surabaya, tropics, vacation, Wayne, Wayne Duplessis, Whole wheat, Write, Writer | Comments Off on Spookylicious Halloween