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Archive for May, 2009

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My younger brother has died

Tuesday, May 26th, 2009

My brother Troy died on Sunday,May 24, 2009

With family in Pointe Au Baril Stn., Ontario

I was to fly back to Canada for the service, but the service was rushed. I was to arrive on Thursday morning.  and they held the service on Tuesday afternoon. Now it’s no secret that my sense of time is about as accurate as my math, but I think there’s a problem with the scheduling.

We canceled the flight

I just wanted to say Goodbye

Troy Andrew Duplessis

Born February 16th,1964

Died May 24, 2009

Sad news from home

Monday, May 25th, 2009

My wife came to my classroom today. That’s usually good news. Emily is the best partner anyone could ask for. She said she had bad news from Mike.

Mike? What’s wrong with that …?

Troy died today.

I froze. How the heck could he be dead. He just called Saturday.  I returned to class. finished the lesson, and then went to the office to arrange things for the trip back to Canada.

I guess I’m heading back on Wednesday.

I’ll keep you posted.