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Archive for the 'responsibility' Category

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When you march …

Friday, August 18th, 2017

If you march under a flag of hate, you cannot ask for understanding. If you march to support intolerance, hatred, segregation, genocide or fear you cannot claim to support freedom. If you choose to justify the indefensible, or attempt to normalize the unconscionable then your false equivocations damn you as a fool and a charlatan.

Improving your life shouldn’t cost an arm and a leg

Friday, April 7th, 2017

A degree that is appropriate for your budget

Affordable Degrees



Swasta guru / Trainer Tersedia

Thursday, March 30th, 2017

Les privat, Cambridge, TOEFL dan IELTS persiapan, kelas untuk anak-anak, remaja dan orang dewasa. HP: 087851964031

IELTS Preparation In Surabaya

Friday, March 3rd, 2017
[caption id="attachment_1712" align="alignnone" width="511" caption="IELTS Preparation in Surabaya"]IELTS preparation and training. ieltspreparation experiencedteacher Surabaya eastjava indonesia[/caption] The IELTS (International English Language Testing System) English language proficiency test for higher education and global migration. work ... [Continue reading this entry]

Nestlé sucks

Friday, July 22nd, 2016