BootsnAll Travel Network

A reason for being

Welcome to 'Travels with my Angst'.
A blog about family,travel,living in Asia and working in the education industry. Started in China, and continues now that we're back in Indonesia. We do try to provide some useful esources for travelers and for people intending to relocate. It's a place to learn a little something about the kind of individual who would choose to live overseas. What kind of demented loon(are there sane loons?) would choose to teach for a living?
Perhaps you've come here to learn. Perhaps you're curious. Perhaps you can't sleep.
Come dip your toes into the refreshing silliness that is our little corner of Cyberia.
Expats Blog

2009 is slowly winding down

December 18th, 2009

2009 is about to become a memory.

It wasn’t such a bad year. There were a few bad days.

I lost a brother … I’d count that amongst the bad days.

My family is safe and healthy(and mostly happy) I’ll tick off a few good days for that.

Hope you had a good year.

All the best,Wayne

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My younger brother has died

May 26th, 2009

My brother Troy died on Sunday,May 24, 2009

With family in Pointe Au Baril Stn., Ontario

I was to fly back to Canada for the service, but the service was rushed. I was to arrive on Thursday morning.  and they held the service on Tuesday afternoon. Now it’s no secret that my sense of time is about as accurate as my math, but I think there’s a problem with the scheduling.

We canceled the flight

I just wanted to say Goodbye

Troy Andrew Duplessis

Born February 16th,1964

Died May 24, 2009

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Sad news from home

May 25th, 2009

My wife came to my classroom today. That’s usually good news. Emily is the best partner anyone could ask for. She said she had bad news from Mike.

Mike? What’s wrong with that …?

Troy died today.

I froze. How the heck could he be dead. He just called Saturday.  I returned to class. finished the lesson, and then went to the office to arrange things for the trip back to Canada.

I guess I’m heading back on Wednesday.

I’ll keep you posted.

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February’s course finishes, Graduates rate TEFL INDO

February 28th, 2009


Maggie Parks

The best thing about the course was :

Mike Fitzgerald, the trainer, and the class practice

The thing about the course that needs the most improvement is : location. neighborhood is too suburban and expensive

Your short quote about your experience :

Liked the course, not the location

Maggie Parks
Average Rating : 4/5
Center : Surabaya, Indonesia
Course Date : February – 2009


Scott Rasmussen

The best thing about the course was :

The material covered was appropriate to what we were seeking

The thing about the course that needs the most improvement is :

The amount of homework is extreme for a 4 week course, it interferes with sleeping and eating properly at times

Your short quote about your experience :

It gave me a good foundation for teaching and or pursuing whatever additional studies I need.The Tefl course gave me a lot of insight into what it is like to be a teacher. In addition to providing a great deal of knowledge that will prove invaluable in an English teaching position. A basic understanding of the skills,conditions and systems of learning and teaching is a strong basis for becoming an effective English teacher and will provide a foundation for future learning.

The course was organized and taught well. We have a better idea of our strengths and the areas we will need to continue to develop as we get more experience in the classroom.

Scott Rasmussen
Average Rating : 4/5
Center : Surabaya, Indonesia
Course Date : February – 2009


Sari Santuso

The best thing about the course was :

The real life experience of the teaching practice and the preparation required for them

The thing about the course that needs the most improvement is :

Course location

Your short quote about your experience :

Sari Santuso
Average Rating : 4/5
Center : Surabaya, Indonesia
Course Date : February – 2009


Sarah Jane Rutter

The best thing about the course was :

The teaching and the actual course

The thing about the course that needs the most improvement is :

The location and method of payment of the course fees

Your short quote about your experience :

I found the actual course and teaching good.

Sarah Jane Rutter
Average Rating : 4/5
Center : Surabaya, Indonesia
Course Date : February – 2009


Eva Justina

The best thing about the course was : a lot of knowledge in the last month

The thing about the course that needs the most improvement is :

Your short quote about your experience :

I have gained many strengths and a lot of knowledge in the last month. This will help me face and overcome my weaknesses … with more classroom experience.

Eva Justina
Average Rating : 4/5
Center : Surabaya, Indonesia
Course Date : February – 2009

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February’s course finishes, Five teachers graduate

February 27th, 2009

The graduatesFebruary’s course finishes, Five teachers graduate

Adryan(in Black),Mike(in Batik),Wayne,Sari,Eva,Netty,Emily,Maggie(in Purple),Sarah(in Red),Scott(in Gray)

The TEFL Indonesia course finished up on Friday

There were hugs, some sighs of relief and some goodbyes

It was a tough month for all concerned

We wish all the graduates success

Maggie Parks

Maggie Parks

Scott Rasmussen

Scott Rasmussen


Eva Justina

Sarah Rutter

Sarah Rutter

Sari Santuso

Sari Santuso

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I hope to make myself understood

December 29th, 2008

This year I hope to make myself understood.

I hope to be more clear with what I say and what I intentionally communicate. I hope to better understand things I’m unintentionally communicating. I hope to communicate better with my wife, my children and my students.
For all of you, I hope life is good
All the best,Wayne

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Drawing to a close

November 29th, 2008

What’s been happening at Singapore National Academy?

Our school term and the first semester is drawing to a close.
Exams are completed and have been marked. They’ll be a few disappointments, and a few sighs of relief. In general the results are what was expected.
One more week remains. The week will begin with hand backs, and a couple of final projects. There will be one small holiday assignment for each class.
We still don’t know how we’ll spend the holiday.
I’d love to get to Flores or Komodo, but perhaps we’ll settle for a trip to Yogjakarta.
Tefl Indonesia’s January course is still open
Contact us for details
Tefl International in Indonesia

Have a great holiday
Be safe

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Congratulations America, and the world

November 7th, 2008

Hello All

Congratulations on a wonderful choice for President.

The world joins you in an admixture of joy and relief.
Such is the measure of hope that President Obama has inspired that here in East Java we’ve just had an election for governor where only 54% voted -due to apathy, and disgust over corruption – while Obama’s path to the Presidency has been closely observed.

Fairly, or unfairly, the world’s hopes ride on his slender shoulders.

All the best, Wayne

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One more week and then exams

November 6th, 2008

I’ve been here at the new school, Singapore National Academy, for a little less than two months.

Teachers come from Singapore,China,Britain,Australia,Indonesia and Canada. The curriculum is Singoporean. For the most part it works.

The students come from a rarified and isolated upper-middle class. Their parents want the best for them, but the need for high marks is often contrary to the need to realistically assess ability and direct energy. Students need to be more focused on skills development,not only on grade-attainment.

Things are not all bad.
In general the staff and teachers are easy to get along with and I like most of my students.
We’re just finishing the second term. One more week and then exams. My big concern is how well I’ve prepared my students. I’ve seen improvement in some, both academically and behavior-wise. It’ll be interesting to see how the year plays out.

Family is well.
All the best,Wayne,Emily and Wyatt

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September is here

September 19th, 2008

September has come to Surabaya.

Not the bracing chill of autumn,but the pressing heat of the late dry season.

I miss seasons.

I was just remembering how beautiful autumn could be. I look forward to rediscovering the colors and smells of a September morning. I’ve told Emily, the kids and my students about the long walks.

How difficult to communicate the long moments spent admiring the golds, reds and greens and browns. To feel the last warmth of the year on your face.

To stare unashamedly into clear autumn skies. To breathe deep of the cooling breeze. To taste greedily of the clean air.

How to explain looking up at the sky and knowing that this brief, transitory experience has to be embraced and then tucked safely away as winter’s approach is heralded in the ever-darkening skies.

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