BootsnAll Travel Network

Going Off Road


Kalbarri National Park

Now driving in Australia, is quite an experience. Besides the long straight roads to seemingly nowhere,, when you do eventually reach a signpost showing a turnoff, it usually indicates that you have another 150km at least to get the next town. That’s great if it is on closed – sealed roads ( a tarmac proper road surface), not so good if its OFF ROAD. ie a sand track with ruts.

Remember I am in a hire car- it is a White Toyota Corolla- with a huge No birds logo ( I can not let that go can I ?see previous entry about start of journey). Part of my agreement with the company is that I stay on sealed roads, and only travel 550 km from Perth. I am now over 800km from Perth and faced with a dilemma. In front of me is a 50km of Off road track leading to one of the most amazing national parks with what promises to be superb desert views and gorges. I look at Gini in the passenger seat next to me and like Thelma and Louise, we smile and tyre spin our way down the track leaving a huge dust cloud trailing behind us. YEEEHAH one over the unpolitically correct car ire long as we dont break down , get a flat tyre, spin over ..blah blah blah.

Yea well I took a risk and it paid off. Although the driving was tricky ( remember I’m not in a four wheel drive vehicle), it was great fun. ( see photie on track) The sand tracks appear to be bright yellow in colour and again they seemingly go on forever.

We reached the Gorges and spent an hour walking through fabulous desert wilderness ( but on marked paths- we werent that stupid), to reach the Window Rock and Z gorge. See the photies – it was worth it.

Going Off Road
You see I think life is like that- a road stretching to inifinity where you can’t actually see the end but you are familiar with its layout and side views. You can sidle along slowly taking in the views- which can be greatly rewarding but sometimes boring at times, or race along it trying to reach –well something or somewhere that you are not sure of not taking account of anything else around you. In this case you are on a mission but not sure where its leading to or why. No one really knows what lies ahead. The only certainty is that you only have a certain amount of time to reach your destination or to get your hired vehicle back. Borrowed time. THen..sometimes – you can if you want- take a risk – all be it a calculated one – to go off road. Its only then that sometimes you are able to see and experience the most incredible wonderful sights. Not everyone chooses to go off road. For many the cars too old, or unable to make the journey or it just seems like such a risk.

I am so glad I went off road . No regrets and I have been rewarded with the most incredible experiences. Nuff said. Sounding like the tail end of an Oprah Winfrey Show.


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