CatBa Vietnam
Wednesday, December 19th, 2007Finally made it back to CatBa after a few months absence. The place has changed a lot since then, sadly there are exceptions, dire internet speeds being one.
Anyway arrived at the Chinese border crossing early to be ready for the 8am opening, along with the rest of the Chinese population plus their bags, total mayhem, worst, I could have stayed in bed longer. But despite the confusion, pushing and elbows ( queing sadly not in the Chinese make up ), did finally get out the country and thru Viet immigration without a hitch. Walked out of customs, jumped on a motorbike, jumped off, onto a bus to Haiphong, how easy. There was a boat later but chose the bus for a 6 hour ride. Scenery nothing special and first bit of excitement was being stopped by the police. I think our oil change was out of date as we had to go to a garage and get that changed !.
The road in definite need of a serious upgrade, a narrow country road full of huge container trucks from or going to the port. A good dose of vehicles upside down, mangled pedal bikes etc, Vietnam looking very 3rd world after China. And one town a good contender for most polluted place on the planet. A coal mining place but certainly wouldn’t have to look far for the coal, the road or people’s gardens have a few years supply.
Arrived Haiphong and my luck held. Off the bus onto a motorbike, off the motorbike onto a bus, off the bus onto a boat, off the boat onto a bus, off the bus into a hotel. I doubt any of the changeovers took longer than a minute. Travel has become too easy !!.
First change I noticed here is now how many foreigners there are now, obviously “discovered” and now moving into the backpacker big league rather than just a stopover place on a tour. So tourism moving up a gear and the hoteliers happy. Plenty of other changes including now having to wear crash helmets, the carefree days look like coming to an end.
So this years’ travel now at an end and effectively this trip. Now it will be a bit of relaxation and being busy doing nothing, at least too busy for these internet speeds.
And what a great trip it has been and recommend it to anyone. Happy Christamas and New Year.