Holiday time 2010
After a few months back in the U.K, finally got away again for a 3 month holiday. Given the weak pound decided to skip my usual starting point of Thailand and flew to Saigon, Vietnam on Sunday with Qatar Airlines. 15 hour flight but Qatar Airlines their usual good selves and even the 30 minute changeover at Doha went without a hitch. Helped by the fact the staff probably outnumbered the passenges on the Doha – HCM leg.
Arrived HoChiMinh in the evening but the airport not too busy and bar a long wait to sort out a visa on arrival (which cost only half the expected fee, to be under charged in Vietnam came as quite a shock! ) got a taxi and found a good hotel without hassle. Better in that the room has wifi, sat tv and a balcony and relatively quiet for here.
The last time I was in HCM was 13 years ago and wasn’t impressed, admittedly then it was via an extremely tough journey from PhnomPenh in Cambodia with 8 adults plus children in a taxi on bomb cratered roads and a lousy hangover. The place seems to have grown up with lots more happening and good hotels, bars and restaurants. Sadly the roads as bad as ever, crossing the road a total nightmare, Vietnam’s answer to birth control !. In fact I had only been here an hour before seeing a big motorbike pile up. Surprisingly the police were there at least an hour carrying out an investigation, hard not to smile, which traffic law was not being broken.
The plan was to pop out for a quick drink and get an early night. As it was got comfortable on one of the pavement hangouts and enjoyed a few beers too many. Daylight when I finally, somehow got back to my hotel. At least the sights were good with the usual quota of pretty girls which Vietnam does so well, probably explains why I haven’t seen a McDonalds.
Today had a wander around but saw the “sights” previously so won’t be doing any of the tourist things. Just happy to get a feel of the buzzing up and coming city.
After here will head north, probably next week.