Yading 4
Next day the weather turned poor with snow showers so I decided to return and get some different pics. This time I waited for the bus and having had potato soup the previous night felt much stronger and was quickly alone. This time much easier as my body acclimatised but incredibly cold by the time I reached milk lake as the snow fell and wind blew but wonderful in its own away. Then the sun made a brief entry and lovely views as I again chilled out at the top of 5 color lake. Again only 2 people eventually followed. With a chinese couple had a good night that night drinking beer outside in the snow and next morning agreed to go with them back up the mountain. By the time we were at Lurong pature we had formed a little group and I was the tour guide. By now my body was totally at ease with the conditions and it was really enjoyable just to take it all in. As we neared milk lake I wanted to try a new route by scrambling up a 200 odd meter scree slope and then follow the ridge to 5 colour lake then back down to milk lake. I told them this was my plan and anyone could join me or else just follow the path. As it was they all very bravely followed. There was probably a half hour gap between me and the last of them getting to the top but I had to admire there bravery as it really hurt. When it comes to pride its hard to beat the Chinese, Japanese and Koreans, they don’ t give up. Once there the best views made it all worth it and they were all thankful, that great sense of achievement, personally I was thankful there were no altitude casualties admitedly some used the oxygen cyclinders.
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