Invincible I am not
Unfortunately my May Day holiday ended earlier than expected due to a severe case of the flu. Dang, and all this time I was thinking my body was invincible haha [chuckle..cough..chuckle..cough] Seriously though, I can’t remember the last time I got sick. I’m thinking two years ago maybe. I guess all this traveling and eating everything under the sun finally caught up with me. At least I was able to get something good out of this holiday – I enjoyed two days in lovely Nanjing, met some cool people, two days on a friend’s couch in Shanghai. (I’ll elaborate more on Nanjing and Shanghai a little later).
After leaving Shanghai it pretty much went downhill from there. On the plane to Guangzhou my head was pounding, I started burning up. I got off the plane and I couldn’t walk a few feet without wanting to pass out. I literally had to stop and rest every five minutes. I felt like I swallowed heaps of drowsy medication. With flu-like symptoms, and feeling extremely lethargic, I needed a doctor asap! I sent a text message over to Lulin (a friend of a friend) who lives in Zhuhai, small town right at the Macau border crossing.
Text: Hi Lulin, its Sophia, Waynes fren. On bus 2 Zhuhai, b there in few hrs. Can u meet me 2day? Not feeling well n need 2 see a doctor.
Lulin, such a sweetheart, picked me up as soon as I got to Zhuhai. She checked me into a hotel and we headed off to the hospital.
Lulin: “Ok you sure you want to go in because there’s a chance they might quarantine you. Swine flu and all….”
Sophia: “Really? I feel like crap. I’ll take the chance.”
After waiting lines, back and forth with a few nurses it came down to this: (Of course everything is being translated through Lulin)
Nurse: “She definitely has a high fever we need to take some blood samples before we can go any further.”
Sophia: “What? Can’t they give me some antibiotics or something? How long do I have to wait for the blood results?”
Nurse: “A few days.”
Sophia: “Thanks but no thanks. My visa expires in a few days so I won’t even be here for the results.”
Lulin: “Forget this. Let’s go. I’ll make you a Chinese home remedy tea that you can take for two days.”
I was cooped up in my Zhuhai hotel for two days straight – sleeping and drinking this Chinese medicine tea, which consisted of boiled ginger, dates and brown sugar. By the second day, I was pinching my nose shut and forcing myself to drink the tea. Just thinking about the tea is making me hurl.
To cut long story short, my fever came down and I finally made it to Macau. As soon as I got my visa I flew directly home. Still recovering but feeling a lot better…I promise I’ll write more about Nanjing, Shanghai and Macau on my next blog.
Shout out to Lulin – thanks again for taking care of me!
Happy Mother’s Day to my Mom, to all the moms and moms-to-be!
Mom, I love you and miss you everyday. Love your favorite daughter
Tags: China, Travel
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