BootsnAll Travel Network

It starts… in Cancun!

We have arrived in Cancun where the keyboard is only slightly different from the keyboard in the U.S. So every time I try to capitalize anything I end up typing a bunch of ¨<¨´s. Bear with me. We awoke this morning at 5 am after three hours of blissful sleep and wound our way to the Tulsa airport. Our first flight took us in the opposite direction of our destination: Denver. It also caused a good deal of motion sickness. These early morning setbacks were remedied by our second flight, which took us on a wonderful rollercoaster of emotion. You see, Ted, our airline (who cares about our safety) was playing the Pixar movie, Cars. Who knew that inflight movies could be so moving? I definitely cried the whole way through the ending credits. Megan cried too, but she might not admit it. Those animated cars sure do learn a lot of important life lessons in a short amount of time. I commend them. Anyway, we´re here. We´re safe. We´re sound. We´ve learned not to rely too heavily on Lonely Planet guidebooks, which instructed us to take a non-existent bus line from a non-existent ¨Coca Cola stand.¨ We´ve fought through the first bout of ¨oh my god, what have we done.¨ Then, we ate the best tacos either of us have ever tasted. This convinced us that we had, in fact done something good, and not made the biggest little mistake of our lives. Tacos are good for that. (By the way, our Tacos were named Pastor Loco, which makes me think of a crazy minister and I feel a little weird about eating a man of god, even if he is a little mental, but hey, what can you do?) We´re off. Wish us luck. -Sarah (with help from Megan)

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-97 responses to “It starts… in Cancun!”

  1. Connie says:

    I think that a heartfelt “Ohmygawd what have we done” is always a good way to start an adventure. Sounds like you’re doing everything right. Enjoy the tacos but don’t drink the water:)

    Tenga un buen viaje!

  2. Jennifer says:

    So glad to hear you are safe. And sound. And full of the holy spirit by means of Pastor Loco. I think the whathavewedone mantras are part of every day life, whether at non existant coca cola stands or in the middle of ones living room, reflections are as important as realities. That said, I wish you well and encourage you to be in the moment. Bask in the sun and walk in the water and at night, or in the internet cafe, reflect and share your experience. Sharing them makes you seem so close…and I did enjoy the physical closeness. I love you both.

  3. becca says:

    you’re safe!! you’re sound!! YAY!!! If it’s any consolation, when those Ohmygodwhathavewedone feelings return, know that in some parts of the world it’s getting colder and colder and wetter and colder and wetter and …colder. And also, no edible tacos to be found in some places — not one edible taco — no taco in RI that doesn’t make you scream “OH MY GOD WHAT HAVE I DONE” after ingestion. Plenty of locos though — COLD tacoless locos.
    LOVE YOU BOTH — bon voyage!
    cold loco becca mom

  4. becca says:

    P.S. I’d LOVE to hear some of those gossip tidbits about Megan’s “childhood ideosyncracies” from the Oklahoma entry. Here’s one about Sarah:
    Before she developed a taste for tacos, she loved hot oatmeal and raisins which, at 2 years of age, she called “Opeenoo n’ wainees.” I won’t divulge, yet, her wake up call to us at 3 years old…

  5. admin says:

    You guys are awesome. You don´t know how good it feels to get such supportive comments from so far away.
    -Megan and Sarah

  6. Jennifer says:

    Oh Beca, I would love to share stories about Megan and Sarah’s early years. I got a glimpse of just how precious Sarah must have been as a young child because I truly found her amazing as a woman. We should follow our girls lead, throw caution to the wind, sell our belongings and head South! Do we have too much to loose, is that why we settle for no tacos and bad weather?

  7. Bill says:

    Dear… you have done a great job throwing out the playbook your whole life. Don’t worry—— you are doing so well, you will find the path along the way. If you ever need to bail and call for a rescue, we’ll all be there, but I have faith that this will not be the case.

    Have fun dear… and Megan too. Take good care of each other. And keep enjoying the food… the cooked food only.



  8. Lool & Ceej says:

    Ai Yi Yi— you’re sending waves of longing across the northern continent! Cn’ we come, huh? huh? We’re going to have to head over to the Pilsen neighborhood here in Chicago and pretend…. Maybe Ceej can bring some tacos back from Humboldt Park where’s shes working the streets today. Yum! But it’s not the same, is it?

    As for pastors locos… (and I know a few!) just remember Seal’s great lyrics “But we’re never gonna survive unless we get a little crazy….” followed by “in a world full of people only some want to fly, isn’t that crazy?”

    thanks for wanting to.

  9. Bethany says:

    Loco Pastor! I want I want I want! Kate and I flew back from Seattle with 6 dozen OYSTERS which we will consume in a crazed orgy tomorrow night, but then its back to boring old east coast late fall squashnitude, while YOU, you little devils, eat your way down South America. But I’m not sure I’d like to dine on crazy ministers. Though I am related to THREE crazy ministers, I prefer to remain innocent in that regard. LONG PIG, anyone? Anyone?

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