About Us
Sarah and Megan graduated from Wesleyan University in 2004 with grand plans.
First on the agenda was a victory for John Kerry. Idealistic and energetic, they traveled to New Mexico and Wisconsin to work on the election, registering voters and organizing get-out-the-vote drives. They became accustomed to extended stay hotels. They ate green chile and brats (in different states and at different times). They wore their SEIU purple with pride. Then, on November 3, 2004, they ate very sad home fries with a group of bedraggled campaigners at a diner in Beloit, WI. They had failed. Their waitress confided that she had been on their side; a group of Christian men at the table to their right had bitterly opposed them. A brawl, which they obviously would have won, was barely averted.
Licking their wounds, they retreated to the liberal oasis of San Francisco, CA (known to the locals as Sucka Free City). Sarah began teaching high school; Megan started work as a paralegal. They bought furniture. They painted their apartment. They adopted a tail-less cat named Loki. They discovered their favorite taquerias (El Toro), bars (Amnesia on weekdays, 500 Club on weekends), and surly corner store guys. They became bored out of their minds.
Where was the adventure? Where was the road food?
So, on a bright San Francisco Sunday in early April 2006, an innocuous suggestion turned into a plan, which turned into Sarah and Megan’s current obsession. Why not travel? Sarah quit her job that week. Megan followed suit 5 months later. They budgeted. They (Sarah) made to-do lists. They (Megan) read everything they could get their hands on, racking up massive amounts of late fees at the San Francisco Public Library. They frequented REI used gear sales. They sold their furniture. They shipped their tail-less cat to the east coast.
And then, on October 1, 2006, the journey began.
The journey will first take our intrepid wanderers from San Francisco, CA overland to Tulsa, OK. The first leg will be accomplished by VW Beetle. From there, a flight to Cancun, Mexico. Beginning in November, they will take Spanish classes at a school in Antigua, Guatemala, perhaps moving to Xela should they tire of the international scene.
From there, who knows? South, south, south. Due South. As far as their will, their money, and their health will take them.
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