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Seven Airports Later…

Thursday, March 8th, 2007

So. Um. I know this is gonna come as a little bit of a shock to some of you, but… we’re in Tulsa, Oklahoma. How and why we got here is a long and complicated story, but I’d like to start it by saying that it looks as though everything is okay now. We’re both doing well and are, at the moment, wearing the new pajamas that Megan’s mom had lying out on our bed for us upon our return and sipping the Nicaraguan coffee that we hauled through four countries and two hemispheres on our backs. Things are looking up.

A few days ago, Megan started losing strength in her feet and legs. She couldn’t jump or run and was having a lot of trouble walking and couldn’t move some of her toes. Then it moved to her hands and she lost a lot of grip strength. We were afraid that if it kept getting worse that she wouldn’t be able to walk and then we’d be in the middle of Bolivia (we actually never made it there), days away from an airport or hospital screaming to the heavens for a little guidance. So, after talking with Megan’s mom (who is a nurse at a hospital and talked to several doctors about the situation) we bought tickets home. It took us three days of plane travel, six flights, and seven airports to get here. But last night we did. In the meantime, Megan improved enormously. She is not 100%, but she’s on her way. Thank the lord above.

Megan has had to endure alternating taunting and weeping about her condition at the hands of moi. So… she gets a gold star for that. Well, that and keeping her cool in a situation that looked scarily dire for a couple of days. She was super cool through it all, while I was the one freaking out (I mean, who couldn’t have guessed that one). So… add a cookie to that gold star of hers.

For those family members that were following the situation, thank you for all your good wishes, prayers, and thoughts. We felt them. And we’ll keep you all updated about what we’re up to in the days to come.

Much love,

Sarah (with help from Megan who got all crazy, scary sick and then got better)

The Poo Post

Friday, February 23rd, 2007

Okay, so the time has finally come for the post you’ve all been dreading… the poo post. You know it had to arrive at some point. I mean, we’re travelling through South America, how could we get away without writing about poo? You must all have suspected that we’ve been talking to each other about poo much more often than we do in our lives back in the States, and now, like it or not, we’re going to share that poo with you.

Our bowel maladies began… well… as soon as we entered Guatemala four months ago… but, they’ve come and gone and come and gone and come and gone again. However, if there was a prize for the day of most poo, or day of most stomach pain, or day of most whining, today would take home the big brown trophy. Today sucked. Today was a steaming pile of poo. We both hate today. But luckily, it’s over.

Besides poo, other things that have recently sucked about our digestive systems are their proclivity to vomit. Not too much, but once or twice is enough — especially when one of those times occurs when you’re up in a small biplane with three Germans and Peruvian pilot looking out over ancient, mysterious, and unexplainable desert designs in Nazca. Luckily Sarah had only drank water that morning and hadn’t eaten anything and there was a barf bag tucked into the seat in front of her. She came walking out of the biplane after the half hour tour holding what looked like one of the plastic baggies that hold goldfish — only without the goldfish.

As if to punish us for Sarah’s public puking (which, truth be told, was quite discreet and dainty), we shared our night bus with a puking woman in the seat in front of us. This woman made such sounds as would wake the dead, coughing and spluttering all through the night. It made us both quite nauseous, perhaps even bringing on our latest bout of intestinal trouble. But judge not lest thee be judged, right? I wouldn’t be surprised if the sounds our stomachs have been making all day have been a source of complaint for the folks in the room next to ours.

Unfortunately, our first real ‘out of commission’ day happened in Cuzco, a quite beautiful city. We’re taking the traveller’s diarrhea pills that were prescribed before our trip, eating saltines, and drinking lots of water and sprite. We both managed to force down a rather bland dinner tonight, which bodes well.

Everybody poops. It’s true. It’s just when your poo is really pee that it starts to become a problem.

-Las Dos

In Which Megan Calls a Bingo Game on a Peruvian Bus

Monday, February 19th, 2007
So, I got a fever and then, good person that I am, decided to share. Megan is just getting over it now. Unfortunately, her's decided to set in about an hour into a night bus ride from Huarez to ... [Continue reading this entry]

Top Five, Peruvian Style

Saturday, February 17th, 2007

Hairless dog
Originally uploaded by mebrown06.
1. There ... [Continue reading this entry]

On the Road Again

Sunday, December 24th, 2006
We have just finished a very fast-paced week of travel which we will now attempt to recap. At the moment we-re in Livingston, a community reachable only by boat... but how we got here is the real story. SEMUC CHAMPEY We ... [Continue reading this entry]

Spiders and Scorpions

Sunday, December 17th, 2006
Lago Atitlan is beautiful. Sarah´s pictures do not do it justice. The volcanoes are imposing towers of green overlooking the clearest water I have had the privilege to swim in. We spent a wonderful weekend eating at ... [Continue reading this entry]

When It Rains, It Pours

Sunday, November 19th, 2006
This is the story of Yesterday, when we hiked up a volcano and a lot of things went wrong: On Friday night, Irma, our incredible host mother who has never let us down, told us to leave her a note about ... [Continue reading this entry]

Ten Things That Have Happened To Us In The Last Week

Friday, November 3rd, 2006
1. All three of us, Megan, Sarah and Zil, rode a ferris wheel in Todos Santos. The ticket booth indicated that the ride had, at one point, lived in Chicago (like Zil). We were on the ferris ... [Continue reading this entry]

Lost Days

Wednesday, October 25th, 2006
San Cristóbal de las Casas is an impossibly beautiful colonial town tucked away in the mountains of Chiapas. Unfortunately, we didn´t get to see any of it today. We did, however, have a rocking good time last night. Yesterday started innocently ... [Continue reading this entry]

It starts… in Cancun!

Monday, October 16th, 2006
We have arrived in Cancun where the keyboard is only slightly different from the keyboard in the U.S. So every time I try to capitalize anything I end up typing a bunch of ¨<¨´s. Bear with me. We awoke ... [Continue reading this entry]