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Archive for February, 2007

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Encounters With a “Spectacular Fuck-Wit”

Tuesday, February 27th, 2007

We’ve been indulging ourselves lately: eating fancy foods, drinking non-swill beer, and watching rugby games on ESPN at the highest Irish Pub in the world. On one such, non-swill-beer-drinking, rugby-watching occasion a rather drunk young man from London decided to join our table, which would usually be fine, except that he didn`t seem to realize that we actually wanted to finish watching the game.

He started the conversation by asking us where we were from, to which we responded with our usual short-hand of “California” even though that is by no means true. Lucky for us, he hated Californians. “Every Californian I`ve met has been terrible. I thought you guys were supposed to be laid-back! You’re all aggressive and obnoxious. I like Texans. I met one guy from Texas and he was really laid back.” Ummmm… okay. Maybe you should go back to the bar away from the scary aggressive Californians and let us watch the game. But we had no such luck. Maybe he stayed because Megan`s actually from Seattle and is therefore too polite for her own damn good.

Luckily he pushed away from the Californians-are-terrible conversation and, without hesitation, jumped into the Americans-are-even-worse conversation (our favorite). “How many Americans does it take to ruin the world?” He asked. Gee, guy, I don`t know, how many? Around the same number of Brits it takes to colonize the entire planet? “No… 51%! Ha ha!” You know, it’s actually a pretty funny joke, and we both let out a little chuckle. Usually in these types of conversations (they pop up pretty frequently) our anti-Bush credentials save us from long winded diatribes. Not the case with our British friend, who seemed to have had his face in his cups for a while. He started off strong: “After September 11th the world was with you, I mean, everyone was behind you. It took a spectacular fuck-wit to mess that up.” We nodded, because, yes, it was, sadly, true. It did take a “spectacular fuck-wit” and we just happened to have one at the ready. If the conversation had ended there it would have been just another time Europeans had tried to bond with us by telling us how stupid our president and, by extension, our countrymen are.

But, it didn’t end there. Two minutes later after we explained that, yes, we did, in fact, understand the rules of rugby (to his utter shock), he decided that he hadn`t made it quite clear how much Europeans hate us. “I mean, I don`t know if you know, but after September 11th the world was with you, I mean, everyone was behind you. It took a spectacular fuck-wit to mess that up.” Um… okay… got it the first time. We explained to him that we had spent months travelling around the country going door to door to try to convince people that a “spectacular fuck-wit” was running the country. He responded by saying “You’ve got to go home and tell everybody that after September 11th the world was with you, I mean, everyone was behind you. It took a spectacular fuck-wit to mess that up.” Um… yeah… guy… we tried that. “No, but I don`t think you understand! After September 11th the world was with you, I mean, everyone was behind you. It took a spectacular fuck-wit to mess that up. Europeans don`t elect stupid leaders.” At this point we had both hit our limit. Not because he was dissing America, but because he was an idiot.

“Gee, guy… last I checked you guys were in the war, too.”

“Yeah, but more Brits were killed by Americans than by Iraqis, in BOTH gulf wars!” He retorted.

“Well then, you guys should wake up and stop tromping off into wars behind us. That seems like a pretty spectacularly fuck-witted move, blindly following a bunch of soldiers who keep turning around and shooting you.”

“Yeah, but, you don`t understand… after September 11th the world was with you, I mean, everyone was behind you. It took a spectacular fuck-wit to mess that up.”

Ummmmm…. wow. I mean… wow. We would have been long gone by that point had two other fellas, both quite amiable, not joined our table. One other Brit whom we’d actually run-into twice in Ecuador and an Irishman who was awesome even though we couldn`t understand a word that came out of his mouth. Our original Londoner had informed them when they joined our table that we were from California and that he hated Californians. They were polite enough not to laugh. He also made sure to tell them, at least three times each, that “after September 11th the world was with America, I mean, everyone was behind them. It took a spectacular fuck-wit to mess that up.”

Strangely enough, when we packed up our bags to go, after an evening of insulting each one of our identities in turn, he leaned over to Sarah and whispered “I’m really very attracted to you. If you leave now I’ll cry.” Wow, the guy had some moves. It’s a wonder the women weren’t knocking down his door.

We left and Megan patted him a little too hard on his shoulder. “See ya, buddy.”

In other news, we went to Machu Picchu yesterday. Pictures to come.

-Las Dos

The Poo Post

Friday, February 23rd, 2007

Okay, so the time has finally come for the post you’ve all been dreading… the poo post. You know it had to arrive at some point. I mean, we’re travelling through South America, how could we get away without writing about poo? You must all have suspected that we’ve been talking to each other about poo much more often than we do in our lives back in the States, and now, like it or not, we’re going to share that poo with you.

Our bowel maladies began… well… as soon as we entered Guatemala four months ago… but, they’ve come and gone and come and gone and come and gone again. However, if there was a prize for the day of most poo, or day of most stomach pain, or day of most whining, today would take home the big brown trophy. Today sucked. Today was a steaming pile of poo. We both hate today. But luckily, it’s over.

Besides poo, other things that have recently sucked about our digestive systems are their proclivity to vomit. Not too much, but once or twice is enough — especially when one of those times occurs when you’re up in a small biplane with three Germans and Peruvian pilot looking out over ancient, mysterious, and unexplainable desert designs in Nazca. Luckily Sarah had only drank water that morning and hadn’t eaten anything and there was a barf bag tucked into the seat in front of her. She came walking out of the biplane after the half hour tour holding what looked like one of the plastic baggies that hold goldfish — only without the goldfish.

As if to punish us for Sarah’s public puking (which, truth be told, was quite discreet and dainty), we shared our night bus with a puking woman in the seat in front of us. This woman made such sounds as would wake the dead, coughing and spluttering all through the night. It made us both quite nauseous, perhaps even bringing on our latest bout of intestinal trouble. But judge not lest thee be judged, right? I wouldn’t be surprised if the sounds our stomachs have been making all day have been a source of complaint for the folks in the room next to ours.

Unfortunately, our first real ‘out of commission’ day happened in Cuzco, a quite beautiful city. We’re taking the traveller’s diarrhea pills that were prescribed before our trip, eating saltines, and drinking lots of water and sprite. We both managed to force down a rather bland dinner tonight, which bodes well.

Everybody poops. It’s true. It’s just when your poo is really pee that it starts to become a problem.

-Las Dos

In Which Megan is Publicly Humiliated Twice in One Day

Tuesday, February 20th, 2007
If there's one thing Megan hates more than anything else, it's being asked to stand up in front of a bunch of strangers and do something... you know, like call a bingo game. Because of this hatred, today was ... [Continue reading this entry]

In Which Megan Calls a Bingo Game on a Peruvian Bus

Monday, February 19th, 2007
So, I got a fever and then, good person that I am, decided to share. Megan is just getting over it now. Unfortunately, her's decided to set in about an hour into a night bus ride from Huarez to ... [Continue reading this entry]

Top Five, Peruvian Style

Saturday, February 17th, 2007

Hairless dog
Originally uploaded by mebrown06.
1. There ... [Continue reading this entry]

Pictures Up and Ready

Thursday, February 15th, 2007

Sarah and horse
Originally uploaded by mebrown06.
After ... [Continue reading this entry]

From the Desert to the Glaciers in One Fun-Filled Day!

Thursday, February 15th, 2007
Exhausted from dragging ourselves from colectivo to bus to museum, only to struggle to translate archaeological terms from Spanish to English, we splurged on a guided tour of several Moche Pyramids and Chan Chan (once the largest mud-brick city in ... [Continue reading this entry]

Encounters With the A*r F*rce

Sunday, February 11th, 2007
We promised to let you know how the movie (La Oscuridad or The Dark) was and so, good to our word, we will. It was creepy. It was weird. It involved welsh folklore, blonde look-alike children, and ... [Continue reading this entry]

Must See T.V.

Friday, February 9th, 2007
Hey everybody in New York City and surrounding areas: Watch Brick by Brick: A Civil Rights Story TONIGHT on channel Thirteen / WNET at 9 pm. It's FABULOUS, as is the man that made it. -Sarah P.S. Congrats ... [Continue reading this entry]

Night Bus

Friday, February 9th, 2007
Remember when we took a night bus from Tulum to Palenque, in Mexico? I do. It was glorious. Movies, fully reclining seats, and a solid 8 hours without a stop. We were so chipper the ... [Continue reading this entry]