BootsnAll Travel Network

Seven Airports Later…

So. Um. I know this is gonna come as a little bit of a shock to some of you, but… we’re in Tulsa, Oklahoma. How and why we got here is a long and complicated story, but I’d like to start it by saying that it looks as though everything is okay now. We’re both doing well and are, at the moment, wearing the new pajamas that Megan’s mom had lying out on our bed for us upon our return and sipping the Nicaraguan coffee that we hauled through four countries and two hemispheres on our backs. Things are looking up.

A few days ago, Megan started losing strength in her feet and legs. She couldn’t jump or run and was having a lot of trouble walking and couldn’t move some of her toes. Then it moved to her hands and she lost a lot of grip strength. We were afraid that if it kept getting worse that she wouldn’t be able to walk and then we’d be in the middle of Bolivia (we actually never made it there), days away from an airport or hospital screaming to the heavens for a little guidance. So, after talking with Megan’s mom (who is a nurse at a hospital and talked to several doctors about the situation) we bought tickets home. It took us three days of plane travel, six flights, and seven airports to get here. But last night we did. In the meantime, Megan improved enormously. She is not 100%, but she’s on her way. Thank the lord above.

Megan has had to endure alternating taunting and weeping about her condition at the hands of moi. So… she gets a gold star for that. Well, that and keeping her cool in a situation that looked scarily dire for a couple of days. She was super cool through it all, while I was the one freaking out (I mean, who couldn’t have guessed that one). So… add a cookie to that gold star of hers.

For those family members that were following the situation, thank you for all your good wishes, prayers, and thoughts. We felt them. And we’ll keep you all updated about what we’re up to in the days to come.

Much love,

Sarah (with help from Megan who got all crazy, scary sick and then got better)

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7 responses to “Seven Airports Later…”

  1. Zil says:

    OMG!!!! I’m so glad you’re okay!!!! Welcome home. STAY HEALTHY!

    and…what was it?

    San Francisco misses you, by which I mean I miss you!


  2. Austen says:

    SO glad you guys made it back safe, love both of ya!!

  3. admin says:

    Thanks guys.
    Megan’s getting some blood-work done today. The doctor thinks the Cipro (medication that was prescribed to us in the States for traveler’s diarrhea) caused all this. We looked online and there’s all this scary stuff about people who took Cipro and the side effects to their nervous system haven’t gotten better for months or years… Luckily Megan symptoms seem to be getting better every day. She’s really doing enormously better — almost 100%. Whew!

    Don’t take Cipro… pooping is better.

  4. becca says:

    Absolutely welcome home. YAY to Jennifer for the brilliant stroke of new pajamas. Perhaps you can post pictures of yourself in them on the blog… which brings me to my next point…


    I know you guys are back, and I’m HUGELY relieved that you are back with the promise of restored mobility (!!!) … but does that mean that your adventures have to cease? We, your loving audience (another word for families and friends), would attend to all new travel reports, even travel reports about renewed capacities at jumping, visiting possible grad schools, trawling for jobs, thinking about life in the US of A and any stories of toes lost and found. I for one am simply casting a vote for the ongoing adventure reports. Due North. Adventures can be banal! Adventures can take place in well known places. We’ve become fond not only of your stories, but of each other.

    I know it may not be practical, or likely, so this may just be the embers of a fan’s flame … fanning the flame… but…

    …just something to consider.

    with lots of love. with lots of pride.

  5. admin says:

    Fear not.
    Our adventures are not about to cease. Nor are our reports.

    There is still much to chronicle: our first trip to an American mall, eating hash browns again after months and months of being deprived, driving the bug through Tulsan streets, being able to jump onto a curb after days of trying, etc… etc…

    We request that the comments do not cease either… for they are truly what makes this blog tick.

    -Las dos

  6. Bill says:

    Good news! Your Mom is right. We are now a community around Las dos.

    Let the good times continue. Congrats on the jumping!


  7. Connie says:

    I feel a little silly commenting when I’m less than 3 miles from you right now, but I have to officially go on record as agreeing with Becca and Bill — I have enjoyed getting to know our new family as much as anything and would be very sad if the communications were to cease. Besides, I can’t help but think wherever you two end up, appropriate adventures will follow and who better to share them with than the Los Dos Groupies. Love you and glad you’re healthy, happy and here:)


  8. Annissa says:

    Hey Sarah– I’m glad you’re back safe and sound, and I am sending some good healing thoughts Megan’s way. That is really frightening (though not necessarily surprising) about Cipro!

    Bienvenidos a los Estados Unidos, and greetings from California!

  9. admin says:

    It is so good to hear from you Annissa!
    Thank you for the healing thoughts. They’ve been working, Megan is doing much, much better.

    I’ll let you know when I’m headed to California next.


  10. LBozorg says:

    YOU GUYS!!!!
    woah, just read the latest report. that is nuts. I hope M keeps getting better and that your adventures keep on rockin on, in oklahoma and elsewhere.

  11. admin says:

    Thanks Leila. I’m so glad to hear from you!

    Megan’s doing much better. Thanks for the well wishes… hopefully we’ll see you soon.


  12. austen brown says:

    I’m sad that no more megan/sarah stories are shared through this blog. How am I supposed to keep tabs in my sister when I’m in the middle east??

  13. Connie says:

    Totally agree. I KNOW life goes on and things happen that need to be shared. Tell us about them, my li’l chickadees. We’ll respond in kind.

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