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It starts… in Cancun!

Monday, October 16th, 2006

We have arrived in Cancun where the keyboard is only slightly different from the keyboard in the U.S. So every time I try to capitalize anything I end up typing a bunch of ¨<¨´s. Bear with me. We awoke this morning at 5 am after three hours of blissful sleep and wound our way to the Tulsa airport. Our first flight took us in the opposite direction of our destination: Denver. It also caused a good deal of motion sickness. These early morning setbacks were remedied by our second flight, which took us on a wonderful rollercoaster of emotion. You see, Ted, our airline (who cares about our safety) was playing the Pixar movie, Cars. Who knew that inflight movies could be so moving? I definitely cried the whole way through the ending credits. Megan cried too, but she might not admit it. Those animated cars sure do learn a lot of important life lessons in a short amount of time. I commend them. Anyway, we´re here. We´re safe. We´re sound. We´ve learned not to rely too heavily on Lonely Planet guidebooks, which instructed us to take a non-existent bus line from a non-existent ¨Coca Cola stand.¨ We´ve fought through the first bout of ¨oh my god, what have we done.¨ Then, we ate the best tacos either of us have ever tasted. This convinced us that we had, in fact done something good, and not made the biggest little mistake of our lives. Tacos are good for that. (By the way, our Tacos were named Pastor Loco, which makes me think of a crazy minister and I feel a little weird about eating a man of god, even if he is a little mental, but hey, what can you do?) We´re off. Wish us luck. -Sarah (with help from Megan)

We’ve got the tickets to prove it

Thursday, August 3rd, 2006

I have made a very long to-do list. Actually, I’ve made about ten very long to-do lists, all with the same things listed. I have a bad habit of writing to-do lists when I’m waiting in line, watching tv, or, you know, procrastinating. So, I have now written the same to-do list several times over. It always begins with the same bullet point: “Buy Tickets.” I’ve quit my job, I’ve started getting rid of furniture, but the trip didn’t seem real until today, when I crossed “Buy Tickets” off all of my many lists. Yes, it’s true; I am now the proud owner of several paper airline tickets that I am terrified I will lose.

We went through STA because after a bunch of research it seemed like our flights would be a lot cheaper to book through a travel agency than on our own. And STA can easily get us youth fares because we’re both under 26. So, we walked into STA’s very trendy San Francisco office and bought a ticket from Tulsa to Cancun in mid October, one from San Jose to Quito in mid January (with a stopover for a few days in Panama City), and one from Lima to Miami at the end of March. We figured that we’d wait to buy our ticket from Miami to Tulsa (where our car will be) until we knew that we didn’t want to change the date of our flight back to the States.

So, it’s official: I’m going on this trip. I’ve got the unemployment, the blog, and now the tickets to prove it.
