Goodbye Europe, Hello Africa!
Sunday, November 19th, 2006Well, it’s been 2 months and 2 days since we left Edmonton to embark on this journey around the world. This first leg of the trip started in London and progressed to Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam, Berlin, Munich, Vienna, Satu Mare, Brasov, Bucharest, Istanbul, Athens, Rome, Barcelona, Madrid, Malaga, Morocco, back to Paris, and then Geneva. For those of you counting, we stopped in 12 Countries (we actually set foot in 14 but only to change trains in 2 of them), and have been in 2 continents.
So far, we can still stand the sight (and smell) of each other but it is still early! For me, my favorite stop was Istanbul (and if it wasn’t raining today, I think Geneva would be tied). I think I liked it because it was one of the ones that was most different and new to me. I found it vibrant and a little bit mysterious at the same time. I think it helped that we met a great crew of people while staying there too. For John, his favorite stop of Rome because there was a lot to see and Ancient Roman History is something that he takes interesting in… oh, and the food was amazing. The least favorite for both of us was Brussels but that may have been because we didn’t stay there long but according to people we’ve met along the way, there really isn’t a lot to see in Brussels itself.
In terms of general observations and what not: (Ev) I’ve learned that I have it really nice at home… I can pretty much get anything I need at the store but here, it’s not always the case. And in some places in Eastern Europe, life is still rough… it’s strange to think that people in Western Europe are spending $3000 on a purse when families in Eastern Europe work day in day out just to raise a family… the countries aren’t even very far apart geographically but in terms of differences, they are worlds apart. I’ve also noticed how much I appreciate smoke-free environments. I can’t believe how many people smoke here… and it’s still a “cool” thing to do. It was almost difficult to eat sometimes with people smoking all around us. This one is going to sound corny but I also feel that I have come closer with family… not just the family I came to visit but the ones I have left behind. Yeah, you readers can all call me corny… but I’m traveling the world, and you’re not… so neener neener neener.
In terms of general observations and what not: (John)I have a greater appreciation for history… just being able to walk inside something that our ancestors built. I miss my parents too… almost as much as the chilli combo with a large double double from Tim Hortons… hehe. Note to self: come back to the Alps someday in both winter and summer (when it’s not raining). The trip so far has been pretty amazing… met lots of interesting people. It’s been pretty much what I thought it would be so far, plus much much more.
So that ends our section of Museums, Churches, Monuments… next up, Africa.
A quick synopsis: We are starting in Cairo (only 4 days), and then going to Nairobi to start a Safari that takes us across Kenya and Tanzania to Dar Es Salaam. From there, we fly back to Nairobi where we catch a flight to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, where we will meet up with the Ethiopian Childrens Fund to volunteer for a month in Aleltu. After New Years, we will head back to Nairobi and make our way to Kilimanjaro, where we will spend 9 days (hopefully) climbing to the top. From there, we will fly to Dubai, then Delhi, where we will be spending about 3 weeks. Eventually, we will make our way to Columbo where we will fly to Hong Kong for Chinese New Year. We’re going to spend about a month in China/Tibet before we head down to Thailand, Cambodia, and Malaysia… then it’s off to Australia, Fiji, California, and then we’ll be home!